(Double-crested cormorant male with breeding plumage, photographed at Don Armeni by David Hutchinson)
Not much on the calendar this Tuesday aside from the regular recurring events, though those are certainly worth noting – 8 pm rock ‘n’ roll trivia at Feedback Lounge (which celebrates its 1st anniversary later this month!) and 6 pm open turntables at Skylark Café and Club (both WSB sponsors), and in The Junction, Shadowland hosts its regular songwriters’ showcase. One item of note on the City Council calendar this afternoon: the Regional Development and Sustainability Committee will take up a resolution formalizing the city’s “potential” interest in a White Center (and vicinity) annexation vote in November 2011 – pushed back from Mayor McGinn‘s original pursuit of a vote this year, after a financial review last month suggested annexation could be too costly to pursue in the current budget crunch. The meeting’s at 2 pm and will be live on cable and online via Seattle Channel.