Pros judge students at West Seattle High School – & more needed!

April 28, 2010 8:39 pm
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(Photo by Dina Johnson)
Two weeks ago, we shared West Seattle High School marketing instructor Martha Tonkin‘s open call for volunteer help to judge student presentations. She reports a great response – and today, the students (above) gave those presentations, with concepts for cause-based marketing campaigns. The photos are courtesy of one of the volunteers, Highland Park’s Dina Johnson, who reports, “It was a lively event – a reminder of those days when we all had more enthusiasm, ambition, and imagination than experience and know-how. Almost all the students planned to have Taylor Swift perform in their benefit concerts. The teacher, Martha, was eager to get judges’ feedback afterward, not only on the presentations, but the concept of the project itself.” Here are the judges – Dina’s second from left.

Now, where YOU might come in – Martha is looking for judges for two other competitions – 8-11 am next Tuesday, May 3, a photography show called “Portraiture” with 60 WSHS students – 12 photography judges are needed; 3:30-8 pm May 20th, eight marketing judges and 12 photography judges are needed to judge “West Seattle Spring Expo 2010,” final marketing-campaign projects by the students. Can you help? Contact Martha: 206.252.8832 office, 206.283.8440 cell,

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