Examining the Arroyos whale: More of the story, in pictures

If you didn’t see the link in the comment thread on our earlier update, photographer Robin Lindsey of Seal Sitters has now officially shared a captioned gallery of her images from Thursday, when she joined marine-mammal experts examining the gray whale that died at Arroyo Beach. Her captions include information you probably haven’t heard before – including Robin’s take on what looked like “slash marks.” The gallery link’s at the end of this update Robin has posted on the Seal Sitters’ blubberblog.org site.

1 Reply to "Examining the Arroyos whale: More of the story, in pictures"

  • Dave April 17, 2010 (4:15 am)

    Sad fate for a young animal, but thanks for the interesting report and for sharing all the good pictures.

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