West Seattle, Washington
04 Tuesday
By Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
“Congratulations! You have Breast Cancer…” is the headline of the first entry in Lisa Town’s online diary “The C Word,” which she started in September 2008.
Irreverence, combined with physical and mental strength and a strong network of support, has brought Lisa to where she is today — a place of well-being, health and optimism. And now her biggest supporter is taking a big step to help others get to the place she’s reached – a fundraising climb that can use your support.
But first, more of Lisa’s story: After a lifetime of health challenges, her diagnosis of breast cancer at the relatively young age of 43, followed by a double mastectomy in February of last year, seemed both “routine, yet surprising. I thought I was done with all that. I kept looking around for cameras, wondering if I was on a reality tv show.”
Three beachside scenes to share as the weekend ends – First, thanks to Colby for sharing the rainbow sighted at Lincoln Park, by Colman Pool. Next, while strolling Alki this afternoon, we spotted what appeared to be a wise and patient cat:
And a bit further south along Alki, the signs are up for the future pho restaurant we first told you about in October:
(We’ll check soon on the cafe’s progress toward opening.)
(Photo courtesy LE Baskow)
The former Admiral Benbow Inn (4210 Admiral Way) is continuing to take shape as the Heartland Cafe – as reported here in October. Tonight, in addition to the photo of the new exterior touches, we have two notes from co-owner Jay Wergin. First, the latest answers to the most common questions (“when are you opening” and “what are you serving”):
Opening date? We still need to install a kitchen and build a bar… minor complications. Outside of that, the inside is transforming into an artsy, campy style …like no other seen in this area. As it has been announced that we will be serving ‘Midwestern Comfort Food’ we would love to hear from the West Seattle Blog readers, what they hope to find on the menu that translates into ‘Midwestern Comfort Food’.
Jay’s a Wisconsin native and mentioned a few food examples the first time we heard from him, but that’s just the start. So what do YOU think “Midwestern Comfort Food” means? Add a comment with your thoughts! He also has posted in the WSB Forums with an even-more-specific request — he’s looking for old photos from the Admiral Benbow’s heyday.
E-mail from Orca Network says J-Pod was spotted near Maury Island just before 1 pm, heading slowly north close to the Vashon side of central Puget Sound. The note adds, “NOAA Fisheries is heading out to try to get some fecal & fish scale samples – please let us know if you see the whales so we can help guide the researchers toward the whales – call us at 1-866-ORCANET – thanks!” (And keep us posted so we can share progress here and on Twitter and Facebook.) 2:13 PM: Just got a call they’ve been seen from Three Tree Point (here’s a map; a comment’s come in to that effect, too). Heading down to look from here!
3:32 PM UPDATE: Latest report puts them still south of Fauntleroy.
4:36 PM UPDATE: Whales passing Blake Island right now, still closer to the west side of the Sound.
4:54 PM UPDATE: As they say in sports, “called for darkness” (plus it’s starting to rain). Thanks to Donna from The Whale Trail, who says the view was best when they were off Marine View Drive/Arroyos, for letting us have a peek through her serious-sized binoculars toward the end of our stakeout at Emma Schmitz Viewpoint south of Me-Kwa-Mooks, and thanks to Janette from Seal Sitters for joining us on orca watch too. (Look for some seal pix/news later tonight.) Also thanks to WSB photojournalist Christopher Boffoli, who was also out on orca stakeout too, but they just didn’t get close enough. And thanks to everyone who commented, texted, called, tweeted with info. Next time maybe they’ll be closer to this side!
ORIGINAL 11:46 AM REPORT: New information on how to help Jade West Cafe owner Wah Wong, badly hurt when a driver hit him and his wife and son outside their Beacon Hill home December 12 (as reported here December 19). “Family Friend” added the following as a comment last night on our most recent update:
The family has set up an account at Wells Fargo Bank. Anyone who wants to help Wah Wong and his family can visit any Wells Fargo branch and make a donation in the name of “Jade West Cafe”. The family thanks everyone for their support.
(There are two Wells Fargo branches in West Seattle – 2358 California SW and 4314 SW Alaska.) Other WSB’ers pointed out in the same comment thread that two TV stations, 5 and 13, did followups last night; neither has its video online as of this writing. We have a note out to “Family Friend” to see if there’s any more info to share. Meantime, there are now two get-well cards on the door of the cafe (6032 California SW). The driver charged with vehicular assault for hitting the Wong family, Rodney James, has been in jail since the night it happened, bail set at $250,000. (Photo of Wah Wong at Jade West Cafe, taken in early 2009 by Paul Sureddin) ADDED 1:53 PM: Wah Wong’s wife has asked us to share this message with well-wishers:
On behalf of my family, I would like to thank everyone in the West Seattle Community who have sent their support, prayers and well wishes to my husband, Wah and son, Jason who were seriously injured on December 12, 2009. They are both stable at this time and will receive surgeries in the coming week at Harborview Medical Center. We appreciate your continued outpouring of support and care.
Salina Wong
5:36 PM UPDATE: The KING5 story is now available online, including the story video – see it here.
Been a while since the last coyote sighting. Just got a text that two are currently “roaming backyards” in Gatewood, 3600 block of Webster/Othello (map) – and the tipster says one appeared to have killed a cat (black with white paw) – so if you’re in the area, might be a good idea to round up your pet(s) for a while. (P.S. As shared in the comments, here’s the state’s Living With Wildlife advice regarding coyotes; also, you can browse 2 1/2 years of WSB coyote-sighting coverage, with many photos, by starting here.)
That WSB clip is from our coverage one year ago today, when hundreds gathered in West Seattle to celebrate the grand opening of the Duwamish Tribe‘s long-awaited Longhouse and Cultural Center. The longhouse is closed Sundays, so you can’t go offer an anniversary greeting in person today, but an official anniversary-celebration open house is now scheduled for January 30th, 11 am-5 pm (more on that, plus other upcoming events, is at the tribe’s website). Regular hours are Mondays-Saturdays, 10 am-5 pm. One other note – we’ve fielded a lot of questions in the WSB Forums lately about local venues available for rental; browsing the tribe’s website reminds us that the longhouse is available for rental too; rates and other info can be seen here.
(Saturday afternoon iPhone photo from Chas Redmond)
This end-of-holidays weekend was so quiet, post-New Year’s Eve, there wasn’t even enough going on for a full West Seattle Weekend Lineup. But with school resuming tomorrow, and many people due back to work after the classic Christmas-to-New-Year’s vacation, today we’ve got a full slate of options – food, drink, music, peace among them:
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: The Ripe ‘n’ Ready list says what’s new this week includes Pickled Wild Sockeye Salmon and Cold Smoked Wild Coho Salmon Lox from Loki Fish Company (on Twitter at @lokifishco). See the full list here; wander the market at 44th/Alaska, 10 am-2 pm; watch for same-day bulletins from market management, tweeting at @NFMASeattle.
SING IT: A choral cantata is the center of the 10:30 am service at Peace Lutheran Church in Gatewood (39th/Thistle).
MAKE NO BONES ABOUT IT: Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) is gaining increasing fame for Tony’s Southside Ribs on Sundays – 5 pm “until they run out.” 6451 California SW; The Feedback opens at 11:30 am Sundays (and every day) and is on Twitter at @feedbacklounge.
WEST SEATTLE NEIGHBORS FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE: They’re the folks you see at the anti-war vigil in The Junction every Sunday at noon, and tonight’s their monthly meeting, all welcome, 5 pm at Alki UCC Church (61st/Hinds), followed by 6 pm potluck. Online: groups.snowcoalition.org/westseattle.
ALL-AGES LIVE MUSIC AT SKYLARK: Sunday nights, the under-21s can stay and play at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) – music starts at 7 pm tonight with Minor Dissonance, then at 8 Shanta, and at 9 Vigilante Santos plays. 3803 Delridge. (Full calendar here; p.s., long before music time, Skylark opens 9 am today for brunch – check out the menu here; Skylark’s on Twitter at @skylarkcafe.)