West Seattle Crime Watch: The Great (Stolen) Pumpkin

Just got this note from Frank:

We are in the 37th Ave SW and Hanford (map) area and just had a really large decorative pumpkin stolen from our yard.

Thieves were driving a dark red/maroon colored newer pickup that has red plastic panels/rails that go from bed of truck up to cab. If seen call West Seattle police. Suspects are in their teens and wear baseball caps.

Tie down your lawn decorations so they hopefully make it to Halloween!

15 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: The Great (Stolen) Pumpkin"

  • Been Hit Before October 21, 2009 (8:31 pm)

    I’ll be on the look-out. I’d love to make these punks lawn decorations on my front yard!

  • dkg28 October 21, 2009 (8:40 pm)

    Frank…are you really serious? Do you really want people to call the police and bother them with this extrememly petty, teen prank?

  • WSB October 21, 2009 (9:09 pm)

    Theft is theft.

  • I. Ponder October 21, 2009 (9:31 pm)

    Probably dropped off the Admiral Bridge into the ravine.

  • Gene October 21, 2009 (9:45 pm)

    As someone who walks and bikes up and down Fairmont, I really hope that’s not what they did.

  • mark October 22, 2009 (6:41 am)

    Teen Prank? Its all fun until they steal the wrong pumpkin from the wrong front porch and end up with a baseball ball to the knees or worse. Call the Police, each and every time.

  • Ex-Westwood Resident October 22, 2009 (8:14 am)

    Frankā€¦are you really serious? Do you really want people to call the police and bother them with this extrememly petty, teen prank?
    I REALLY hope you are trying to be funny here and not serious.
    At what point do we draw the line between “prank” and “crime”????
    Is ‘tagging’ a prank? How about breaking windows?
    Learn what a prank is. The burning bag with dog poop in it, placed on on the walk way of a house is a prank (a some what dangerous one).
    THEFT is a crime no matter how you justify it.

  • WS Pumpkin Attack October 22, 2009 (11:05 am)

    My brother-in-law just had a pumpkin thrown through the window of his car. It broke the window and dented the car. What a fun “petty, teen prank” that turned out to be. Hate to waste the cops time with that one. I’m sure those silly pranksters bought that pumpkin and would never think to steal one. . . . . .

  • Silly Goose October 22, 2009 (11:24 am)

    Although we have come to expect that stealing and smashing a pumkin is just part of Halloween, let me share a story with you. 7 years ago I looked out my living room window on Halloween just as two little creeps walked up to our lawn and took my 3 year old daughters adorable little pumkin and smashed it to the ground. I ran out the door just as they were reaching to pick up my neighbors pumkin and grabbed one of them by his hair and threw him to the ground and was screaming at him that I was going to have his *** arrested and hauled to Juvey!! The younger kid ran across the steet scared to death holding onto his mask afraid I was going to pull it off and find out who he was. I did find out who they we’re!! Just to let you know DKG28 these boys are now in high school and their crimes have escalated to arson, theft, arrest for minor in possession, and tagging. So yes call 911 on the punks. The police with document their ID’s and more likely than not they will be linked to another crime and finally caught!!

  • anon. October 22, 2009 (1:56 pm)

    Wow, Silly Goose, that is really great of you to post this. It’d be better to be caught and disciplined for a minor thing like pumpkin smashing than later down the road doing worse. Very insightful, thanks for sharing.

  • Cheryl October 22, 2009 (3:18 pm)

    Silly pranks OFTEN escalate to much worse crimes later. If these “kids” are already driving a vehicle, I imagine that pumpkin theft isn’t all they’re up to, mischief wise.

    Frankly, this kind of disrespectful behavior DOES warrant a call to the police in my opinion. Tagging, breaking windows, throwing rocks, disrespecting property that does NOT belong to you, that someone worked hard for &/or loves, are all examples of a lack of real civility in this society anymore. Pranks can be harmful. Disrespect in general is just wrong, on a multitude of levels. I say call the kids on their bad behavior (if you can catch them), and call the police to report what you know (if you can’t catch them).

    I sure don’t want these little sh*ts cruising around MY neighborhood ruining MY 3 year old daughter’s Halloween.

  • Andrea October 25, 2009 (8:34 pm)

    I agree with Silly Goose and Cheryl. It’s obvious these kids were missing some important civic lessons. What if every one ran around acting like that? Do you think you would want to live in that neighborhood? City? State? or Country? It’s a slippery slope. We are not that far from anarchy really. I’m glad there are still some moms out there that teach their children the concept of private property. And really it has to be taught! I have a kid, and he didn’t just pick up respect for other people’s stuff on his own!

  • Terry October 27, 2009 (2:11 pm)

    This whole thread reads like a SNL skit. Thanks for the laughs

  • unknown October 28, 2009 (12:20 am)

    OMG. This is actually ridiculous. Its a pumpkin. Its halloween. Buy another pumpkin decoration. Halloween isn’t even anything to get excited over any way. GET OVER IT! And I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to commit arson or tagging or murder or kidnapping. LET IT GO! I’m so sorry the three year olds pumpkin got ruined, my pumpkins get ruined every year and you don’t see me throwing a b*tch fit and calling 911 and telling other people to call 911. Happy Halloween people!

  • unknown October 28, 2009 (12:21 am)

    Oh and I’m pretty sure you were all in high school once, try to remember what it was like and how bad most of you were.

Sorry, comment time is over.