Today we welcome one of our newest WSB sponsors, William H. Raleigh, D.D.S. Situated at the corner of California and Genesee (map), Dr. Raleigh‘s dental office is becoming a landmark among the new nearby developments full of condos and retail spaces. Dr. Bill Raleigh and his staff believe the comfortable and caring atmosphere of their practice adds a friendly touch that ties in well with Junction families, friends and neighbors. For patients who don’t walk to the office, there is parking available behind Dr. Raleigh‘s office with a ramp from the parking lot for strollers, walkers and wheelchairs. Please visit them on the web at www.drbillraleigh.com to see if you recognize Dr. Raleigh and his staff from around the community and to learn more about the practice. If you have any questions, their phone number is 206-935-5210, or you can e-mail drbillraleigh@aol.com. We thank William H. Raleigh, D.D.S., for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; the sponsor team, with info on joining, is all here.