Return of “the stench”: Advice from Fauntleroy

The notorious “Fauntleroy stench” is back today – blamed on sea lettuce in Fauntleroy Cove generating hydrogen sulfide, according to Judy Pickens from the Fauntleroy Community Association, who offers this advice:

While we were able to secure funding from the 2009 legislative session for research and emergency response, the process of determining how to spend it has barely begun. Consequently, affected residents of Fauntleroy and other shoreline areas on the west side of the peninsula should exercise standard “stench protocol”:

– Note when low tide is, which is when sea lettuce on the beach decomposes and sends off the gas.
– Close all windows and skylights when you first notice the acrid smell.
– Stay indoors until the air seems fresh.
– Use a fan to blow out your bedroom before sleeping; the gas is heavy and needs a push.
– Leave home for awhile if the smell is especially strong.

Remember: It’s not just the smell of saltwater. It’s a noxious gas that can make you sick. Symptoms include eye irritation, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

6 Replies to "Return of "the stench": Advice from Fauntleroy"

  • pigeonmom August 29, 2009 (12:59 pm)

    “Remember: It’s not just the smell of saltwater. It’s a noxious gas that can make you sick. Symptoms include eye irritation, headache, nausea, and vomiting.” Oh, great news for residents and ferry folk. :-/

  • west seattle steve August 29, 2009 (1:18 pm)

    Looks like it’s a common problem. There’s an article in the Seattle Times today about a beach in France where they’ve had deaths from the hydrogen-sulfide.

    French beach toxic enough to kill a horse

  • iggy August 29, 2009 (2:00 pm)

    What beaches should we avoid? I’m supposed to go to Lincoln Park, is that one of them?

  • WSB August 29, 2009 (2:30 pm)

    Fauntleroy Cove is the main problem. That’s immediately north of the ferry dock, south of the private waterfront that abuts Lincoln Park. The only public beach park there is Cove Park, a very small public sliver on the north side of the ferry dock – TR

  • herongrrrl August 29, 2009 (2:58 pm)

    I’ve sure been noticing this awful smell along Beach Drive this summer, too.

  • Keith August 30, 2009 (12:18 am)

    It hasn’t been a good summer for the sense of smell– we experienced a big ‘die off’ of shoreline clams (up by our place in Whatcom County) after the big heat back in July, and whoo did it stink.

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