Lincoln Park owl family: New pix of “Wollet” the barred owlet

Recognize that bird? That’s “Wollet,” the Lincoln Park-dwelling baby barred owl we first met here in photos shared by Kim and Jordan Petram; other photographers have since provided updates, including Trileigh, who shot these two (and has more on Flickr). But even as Wollet starts looking more grownup from one angle, Trileigh points out, from another, the owlet is still a “fluffball”:

3 Replies to "Lincoln Park owl family: New pix of "Wollet" the barred owlet"

  • Cheryl June 24, 2009 (8:02 pm)

    The owl updates always make me smile.

  • clark5080 June 24, 2009 (8:46 pm)

    Hummmm I may just have to put my camera on my shoulder and track some Owls tomorrow


  • ln8r June 24, 2009 (11:13 pm)

    Those are so great, thanks. We heard an owl at Lincoln today, Maybe it was the little guy! So great!

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