West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 early-morning incidents

Thanks to the folks who e-mailed us a little earlier this morning to ask about a search, and sirens, in the Admiral area, 45th/Admiral vicinity (map). Lt. Ron Smith at the Southwest Precinct tells us that followed “a street robbery of a victim who was walking.” The robbers are described as four males in their late teens; K-9 joined the search but didn’t find them. Lt. Smith also mentioned another incident in the early morning hours — gunshots heard near Sanislo Elementary (map). He says “Officers responded and found three .380 cal. shell casings on the street. There were no reports of injuries, and no property damage was reported or found.”

8 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 early-morning incidents"

  • Mike May 8, 2009 (7:25 am)

    Admiral Chevron seems to be a hangout for these type of teens. Just a thought on where to go look SPD!

  • TiredCrankyMomma May 8, 2009 (8:12 am)

    I too have noticed quite a bit more than “usual” teen boys hanging out by the bus stop there on the Admiral side of Chevron. Definitly a few regulars that seem to be there. Once again my sleep was disrupted by sirens! I hope all these lovely people lay low on Saturday night/Sunday morning…. I would LOVE to be able to get a good nights sleep for Mothers Day!

  • West Side Resident May 8, 2009 (8:25 am)

    Some punk kids broke into two of my vehicles on 27th Ave right behind Chief Sealth around 6-7AM earlier. Great way to start the day!

  • Kiri May 8, 2009 (8:33 am)

    around 6:00am on the other side of west seattle. I had two cars broken into this morning on a side street off of Holden.

  • Winsteim May 8, 2009 (8:36 am)

    Crime must be on the rise around here. Anybody have stats?

    Also, it ain’t how lit it is if they are hanging around chevron.

  • Mike May 8, 2009 (9:07 am)

    Sounds like it’s time for some updated anti theft equipment here in the USA.


  • JM May 8, 2009 (6:36 pm)

    This is better and has been proven to work for over 40 years…
    Eastern Germany Tresspassing Preventer

  • Mustafa May 9, 2009 (1:13 pm)

    What the hell. Stupid kids. Live for the day is their motto. And hey, if you wind up in prison, it’s just an occupational hazard.

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