After this week’s humpback sightings (here and here), Lori in Arbor Heights wanted to share this:
I’d like to urge anyone who sees the Humpback (or any other whales for that matter) to please, please call Orca Network at 1-866-ORCANET to report the sighting. They will in turn contact researchers who would dearly love to find that whale and try to i.d. it. If anyone gets any pictures, especially of the underside of the tail fluke, they can call the preceeding number and get info on where to send copies of their pics to.
Also, folks can check out for info on guidelines for what to do if they encounter whales while out on their boats. Please give these whales LOTS of room.
With good weather … this weekend, and lots of folks out and about, I’m hoping we’ll see him or her again. I will be out looking myself in earnest.
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