“Egg hunt on aisle 7” – you can almost imagine the overhead announcement. That’s just one of the scenes from inside West Seattle Thriftway, where the traditional crowd waited excitedly outside just before the 9 am egg hunt:
High stakes there – prizes in this egg hunt included a Wii and Mariners’ tickets! And if that wasn’t fun enough – an Easter Bunny sighting (our video camera followed his/her entourage):
(Added later: Thriftway now has its photos up online at westseattlethriftway.com – if your family’s in one of the photos, you can e-mail info@westseattlethriftway.com to request a copy!) Then at 10 am, community centers all over West Seattle had egg hunts too – by then the rain had stopped and the sun was even trying to come out. On the field at High Point Community Center, we spotted the REAL Easter Bunny – this gentleman who was out scattering the eggs and treats:
That section of the field was stormed shortly thereafter by the oldest kids:
Check out our video from just after they got the “go” signal:
Younger groups had their own egg hunts, one on the tennis court, one in the playfield corner at 34th/Myrtle:
If you missed today’s egg hunts, note that a few West Seattle churches are planning their own, right after Easter services tomorrow morning; see our West Seattle Easter services list for the locations.