Another big May 9 event: Walking on Logs area followup cleanup

April 26, 2009 2:09 pm
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Seven months ago, that was the scene as hundreds of people helped clean up the “Gateway” area from Walking on Logs up to 35th/Fauntleroy. We just got word from that cleanup’s organizer, Nancy Driver of the Fairmount Community Association, that a smaller followup cleanup is planned for 9 am-1 pm Saturday, May 9th (yes, it’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, but if you’re not part of the 170+ sales, you can pitch in before or after you shop!) — and she’d like to hear from anyone who can help. Here’s the announcement:

We are doing a four hour cleanup and blackberry removal on Saturday, May 9, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. We will only be doing the area from the gates (near the overpass) down to Walking on Logs. Objectives will be to accomplish the following: 1) pick up all trash; 2) weed whack and clean up the “Walking on Logs” area; 3) blackberry removal starting from the blackberry patch nearest to the gates and moving north. I found last fall that the blackberries pulled out of the ground fairly easily – using leather gloves and both hands I was able to rip them out of the ground, roots and all. Our hope is too get at least one large swath of blackberries removed – if we can get more than that done, great. The blackberry removal is a long-term project but this will be a start.

The city will provide canvas gloves, safety vests, bags, and a few shovels and rakes. We will round up at least one gas weed trimmer but if you have one you are willing to bring that would be great. Volunteers are encouraged to come with their own leather gloves if you plan on helping with blackberry removal. The city will also provide us with a water cooler and we’ll have cups – unfortunately, no snacks this time, just water. IMPORTANT: Unlike the September cleanup – no traffic will be closed off next to the area we are working in.

… Whether it’s an hour, two hours or all four, any time you can contribute will be greatly appreciated. Additionally, any time you put in can be used toward matching funds from the city to get needed irrigation and drainage work done at the Walking on Logs that is needed.

Can you help? If so, please e-mail Nancy:

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