UPDATE: Suspicious death now classified as homicide

We told you this morning about what police called a suspicious death in a building at Fauntleroy and Dawson. Police now say the victim was a 71 year-old woman and her death is classified as a homicide. More information at SPDBlotter. Google Street View of the building (you can click inside the image to move around and get an idea of where this is, if you’re not familiar with the area):

View Larger Map

ADDED 6:55 PM ALONG WITH THAT IMAGE: For context – this is the second homicide case of the year in West Seattle (first one, the still-unsolved Steve Bushaw shooting on 2/1); there was only one for all of last year, a woman in Highland Park killed last spring by her husband, who then killed himself. In 2007, there were three (all men killed by someone they knew – the third case, the 59th/Admiral shooting in October ’07, was ruled self-defense, after a trial WSB covered extensively; the other two ended with plea bargains – here and here). Also, one very good point made in an unrelated crime thread in the WSB Forums: Everyone concerned about crime in our area is not only welcome, but encouraged, to attend the next West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting – it’s coming up this Tuesday, 7 pm, Southwest Precinct meeting room, and since there are almost always several reps from the precinct there, you will get the latest on the homicides, and other local crimes, firsthand, as well as a chance to ask any questions you have (the special guest is the SPD 911 team leader, to help debunk myths about when to call 911 and when not to).

13 Replies to "UPDATE: Suspicious death now classified as homicide"

  • yo February 14, 2009 (5:01 pm)

    Two murders, within 2 weeks, and only blocks apart.


  • Sue February 14, 2009 (5:02 pm)

    I haven’t been online since yesterday evening, so this is the first I’m seeing this. I can see this building from my livingroom window. I did see the flashing lights and emergency vehicles last night, and noticed a fire truck arrive, back out of the street and immediately leave. So we thought nothing of it, thinking it must’ve been a false alarm and that they were being sent away as soon as they arrived. Then I went to bed and thought nothing else of it. Very disconcerting to know there’s a homicide occuring across the street from your home. Hopefully we’ll get more info on it soon.

  • miws February 14, 2009 (5:15 pm)

    Sue, When I read WSB’s earlier report on this, I immediately thought of you, knowing from your previous postings that you live in that area.


    FWIW, it seems like these are usually isolated incidents, but yes, it’s definetly unnerving.



  • snowlion February 14, 2009 (6:38 pm)

    Sue- we live directly across Fauntleroy from that apartment building (I was the Megan mentioned in the original post further down the page here). We wouldn’t have even known about it, had I not parted the blinds briefly around midnight to check the night’s weather and the general neighborhood, and seen the police tape and general activity over there. We stayed up pretty much all night, trying to find out what happened (the police wouldn’t tell us anything), and sadly, though I was home pretty much all day yesterday during the daytime, I saw and heard nothing (like many others, I’m unemployed and look for work online in our living room). I feel like I should have seen or heard something, and I feel horribly for the people who actually live in that building. if it’s scary for me, I can’t even imagine what it must be like for them.
    We saw the first few fire trucks, too; and like you, assumed it was only a medical emergency. How awful. :( I do sincerely hope that we find out more about this, I’m not going to be very comfortable until more information comes out…

  • Lisa February 14, 2009 (6:41 pm)

    My neighbor Mary just told me about this, I live in the set of townhouses next to her building. How awful. Apparently nothing was stolen… which makes this even more unnerving.

    For anyone else living in this immediate neighborhood, there have also been recent reports of a peeping Tom (even during daytime hours). May be unrelated but still good to know.

  • Lisa February 14, 2009 (6:42 pm)

    I meant, I live in the townhouses next to the murdered woman.

    I was sleeping and didn’t wake up to see the emergency vehicles last night.

    Mary said that Channel 7 news was just here interviewing neighbors. Check there for more info.

  • WSB February 14, 2009 (6:51 pm)

    KIRO hasn’t posted anything. Right about the time we posted this update from the police, just after 4 pm, half the team was heading toward downtown and saw a video crew standing outside the building, but all that’s online at the moment is the same info we have. We will update with whatever more we find out – and I will look for the report at the precinct, as well as checking with the medical examiner for cause of death/ID – but there MAY (hopefully not) be some delay in releasing that over the 3-day weekend – TR

  • d February 14, 2009 (7:14 pm)

    I just saw a brief portion of the KIRO report.

    A neighbor from the apartment building who called the police at the son’s request said he went into the apartment with the son and they tried to roust her, but it was apparent that she had passed.

    According to the KIRO report, it was the neighbor’s opinion that the deceased woman had what he thought could be a knife/stab wound.

    The KIRO reporter said that the investigators thought she had been dead for a few hours when she was discovered.

    That’s all of the report I was in ear shot of.

  • WSGeek February 14, 2009 (7:30 pm)

    Did anyone hear of the apt. number? I live very close and may have some info depending on the number. I’ll call the police as well but thought someone may have heard which apartment.

  • WSB February 14, 2009 (7:58 pm)

    Thanks, d. TV stations can be spotty about posting stuff online on weekend evenings, so that one may not appear online any time soon. I will be checking with the ME late this evening just in case the ID is released sooner rather than later …

  • Lisa February 15, 2009 (12:48 am)

    Yes, I heard from my neighbor it’s a knife-inflicted wound, but hesitant to repeat which part of the body was affected as the SPDBlotter doesn’t mention specifics.

  • WSB February 15, 2009 (1:10 am)

    Any specifics would come from the Medical Examiner once an autopsy is complete – that is also who will make public the official identification; our policy is that even if we hear a name from a family or friend, we will not publish it till the authorities (ME) confirm that formal notification has been made. (In this case, we have NOT heard from anyone close to the victim, but for example in the Steve Bushaw case two weeks ago, a relative e-mailed us with his name 12 hours before the ME released official identification … which doesn’t come until they have confirmed the closest available relative/s have been told.)

  • shane February 15, 2009 (6:54 am)

    WSB, I’m sure this is easy information to find but I cant seem to do it….What is the total homicides YTD in Seattle? Seems like a lot, but I have not been able to find the number. Thanks

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