West Seattle Crime Watch: Criminals targeting cars

Two reports to share – first, from Dave:

Just a heads up for other West Seattleites that someone smashed in the passenger side window on our car last night/early this morning. We’re in the Westwood neighborhood on 34th Ave SW near Barton [map]. The perp was either bored or not very bright, as nothing appears to be stolen. He/she also clearly knows nothing about music, as our Pearl Jam Live at the Gorge CD set was moved, but not taken. Total pain on our time and budget to get this fixed, but it’s a good reminder not to leave anything of value in our cars overnight.

Second, from CCW:

31st and City View (the funky little neighborhood just east of Admiral on your way up the hill) [map]: On the night of 1/1/09, someone got into our Honda CRV, which was parked in our driveway, and ripped the brand new TomTom GPS off the windshield. The doors weren’t locked, and nothing else was taken (the stereo and 10-15 CDs were untouched). This was clearly a crime of opportunity. The only reason it’s even worth reporting is that our driveway is quite private. You don’t go past our house randomly. This was either a local kid or a drunken hoodlum who wandered off the beaten path.

11 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Criminals targeting cars"

  • Bobabooey January 3, 2009 (5:44 pm)

    CCW – Why would you leave your car unlocked with something that valuable sitting there? Even if you are out of the way. Please dont make them think that every score around here can be that easy! Thanks

  • KatherineL January 3, 2009 (5:54 pm)

    Dave, your car prowler was clearly a classical music fan. Don’t leave any Mozart in plain view.

  • Amy January 3, 2009 (6:07 pm)

    Sorry to hear about the break ins. Dave – I live on the same street near Henderson and my car has had the driver’s side window smashed out twice this last year…nothing taken the second time but the first time they ripped out my speakers. They did pull my stereo out, but threw it into my back seat without taking it. The year before I had my windshield smashed along with many others on 34th Ave SW.

    My next car will have an alarm for sure.

  • Dave January 3, 2009 (7:12 pm)

    Thanks for the tip, KatherineL. My Bach is now locked up, but I still don’t know how anyone can overlook a live show from the pride of West Seattle, Eddie Vedder. I’m almost disappointed in them.

    Amy: We are not far from each other at all – thanks for the info. Can’t believe the thieves are so brazen! What a bunch of punks. We had our car parked on the street for the first time in a long time, and will avoid doing so in the future.

  • Morganlf January 3, 2009 (8:29 pm)

    Hey Dave,

    I’ll be moving to 34th / Barton in the next month (just bought a house there) — any other crime tips for me of which I need to be aware?

  • Dave January 3, 2009 (10:41 pm)

    Morganlf: To be honest, we’ve only lived here for three years, and this is the first problem we’ve encountered. I was surprised to hear that parking on the street was problematic, as we have a very watchful and concerned street. All my neighbors actually apologized for not seeing/hearing our break-in…which is pretty cool. If anything, this act made me realize how much I love my neighborhood.

    Glad to have you on our block, and aside from the advice of not parking on the street, I’d recommend you hit up Bird on a Wire Espresso. Best coffee shop in all of Seattle.

    (Prepares for a flame war)

  • Brandon January 4, 2009 (8:56 am)

    If there is nothing of value in the vehicle, an unlocked door is certainly cheaper than a broken window!

  • patrick January 4, 2009 (12:01 pm)

    We live in the area and someone stole the bike rack off our car Saturday night.

  • Morganlf January 4, 2009 (12:06 pm)

    I’m really excited to be moving to the area! We love our house and we can’t wait to join the neighborhood.

  • Keaver January 4, 2009 (2:27 pm)

    My truck driver window was also smashed into and they stole a Nuvi navigation system and some tools. Happened near 41st and Walker.

  • Michael January 4, 2009 (10:49 pm)

    #1 rule of GPS ownership: never leave your GPS on display.
    Even a telltale suction cup circle can trigger a break-in. So play it safe!

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