West Seattle snow aftermath: Friday morning-afternoon updates

Just in case subfreezing temperatures overnight really do make this a problematic commute — for those who don’t get a 4-day weekend — this is the start of a morning post for you to share bus/road info (etc.).

7:06 AM UPDATE: Checking the hourly temperatures from overnight, doesn’t look like it got below freezing after all — good news if you have to drive this morning. Metro bus riders, remember the reminder two days ago about the “partial holiday schedule”; the list of routes with changes this morning shows runs that are suspended because of that schedule OR “adverse weather.” Here’s the Metro list, most recently updated just before 7.

7:33 AM UPDATE: Haven’t received an official city update re: the trash situation yet, but an update directly from Allied/Republic, which serves some areas, says “no residential routes” in Seattle today.

8:02 AM UPDATE: Live TV picture from alongside The Viaduct shows traffic moving well.

8:43 AM UPDATE: Side-street plow sighting! Pam from Nerd’s Eye View is in Gatewood and just exclaimed via Twitter: “OH MY GOD! Our street is being PLOWED! FREEDOM, SWEET FREEDOM!” And as if to underscore the sense of freedom that’s on the horizon, the sunrise put on a bit of a show this morning, as shown in this photo from MargL in Arbor Heights:

9:07 AM UPDATE: Remember your friendly local West Seattle retailers have some after-Christmas sales going too. Just got an update from the Swee Swee Paperie e-mail list (Junction, east of Cupcake Royale) — 65% off “all holiday cards, paper, and accoutrement.”

9:37 AM UPDATE: Reminder that some things ARE getting back to some semblance of normalcy, post-holiday, post-snowfall. King County says all its offices are open as usual. Seattle Public Library branches will all be open noon-6 pm today per the SPL website. And we are working on more “non-snow news” for later in the day, since a few things have been stacking up … we’ll even have an edition of the West Seattle Weekend Lineup (our every-Friday list of what’s happening Fri-Sat-Sun) later this morning (didn’t publish it last week since almost EVERYTHING was canceled).

10:03 AM UPDATE: New city update on the trash situation – we will post it separately so it doesn’t get lost here.

10:42 AM UPDATE: Somebody cue the “Hallelujah Chorus” – Creighton sends this photo of Charlestown Hill (a few blocks west of California) getting cleared:

11:02 AM UPDATE: We may see some wet snow later, per Cliff Mass, but he insists the warmer air is still on the way. If you want to see what warmer air looks like … the neighborhood-news site Seal Beach Daily in Southern California just posted this photo via Twitter.

1:43 PM UPDATE: Remember to go look for your storm drain(s) on the street if you haven’t already … puddling is happening in our vicinity.

3:16 PM NOTE: This will stay open as a thread for you to discuss buses, roads, whatever’s on your mind … but just wanted to note that we are generally publishing new major updates SEPARATELY (such as a “flood response” announcement that just came in from the city, and the trash item earlier), so check the top of the main page for new news instead of this part of this post. We’ll continue reading the comments as we do for the whole site, of course, so that if there’s anything we can help with (pursuing info), we will do our best.

65 Replies to "West Seattle snow aftermath: Friday morning-afternoon updates"

  • Sheila December 26, 2008 (7:08 am)

    I need to get to work downtown from Puget Ridge. Any info about metro route 125 or 120?

  • WSB December 26, 2008 (7:16 am)

    Metro’s website was updated just before 7 am and says 125 is still “suspended” while 120 is on regular route.

  • Preggo December 26, 2008 (7:28 am)

    Hubby’s 54 Express came right on time this morning. What a concept!

  • Kayleigh December 26, 2008 (7:35 am)

    My 54 to downtown was on time and had my regular driver. I made it to work at my regular time.

    One bad thing: a 55 was spinning its wheels, kinda stuck in the side-of-the-road slush while coming up the hill at Seneca. Not sure why they couldn’t continue the flat re-route down 1st Ave?

  • Holly December 26, 2008 (7:44 am)

    hey preggo! I just want to say…good luck! I know you are due soon :) Im glad the snow is melting for us. I’m due on 1/13.

  • cjboffoli December 26, 2008 (7:47 am)

    Anyone have any theories as to the logic involved with plowing a three foot berm into the center of every street? I guess I should be grateful that any plowing was done at all. But I had to drive up the wrong side of Oregon last night just to be able to turn into my alley. The other end of the alley is still impossible to navigate. I suppose a UPS or a garbage truck might beak through the berm at some point (if they ever start coming around again). But then the snow/ice/slush will be spread in the lane of traffic again. Not good.

  • adken December 26, 2008 (8:06 am)

    Because Seattle doesn’t have “snow emergency routes” this creates the unfortunate berm in the middle of the road – any city that usually gets snow has “snow emergency streets” and requires cars to be removed before the first flake hits the ground – and you’re towed if you leave your car there. So here plow drivers have no option to plow to the sidewalk side of the street which would be done elsewhere.

  • Megen December 26, 2008 (8:10 am)

    I think they should still plow to the side of the street. Since we didn’t get that much snow compared to other places in the states its easier for people to dig their cars out here. Being back in Wisconsin for the week is nice. We got several inches over night again and the roads are fine :)

  • Preggo December 26, 2008 (8:13 am)

    Holly, many thanks, and congratulations and best wishes to you as well! Hopefully we’ll both have good roads to get to and from our birth centers.

  • GenHillOne December 26, 2008 (8:22 am)

    Living on a hill with tracks to bare pavement on it, I’d like to invite all high-riding trucks and SUVs to deviate ever so slightly so we can smash down the 6-7″ of crap on either side of the tracks so we 4 cylinder types can GET to the them :)

  • elroy December 26, 2008 (8:24 am)

    My usual 54 at Calif and Raymond was a no-show for 2 sched times, but managed to come eventually at 8am. On board now and all seems normal enough.
    Thanks WSB for everything during this Winterpalooza.

  • Mayjune December 26, 2008 (8:33 am)

    Have been waiting on Fauntleroy since 8:00 for the 8:00 54express or 8:15 116. Haven’t seen either yet.

  • Lynna December 26, 2008 (8:40 am)

    Has anyone been driving around West Seattle without chains or snowtires this morning? Wondering if its icy or more like yesterday (and if we should wait till it warms up to run family errands)? Thanks!

  • Josh Hosler December 26, 2008 (8:50 am)

    I’ve been stranded in Bellevue with in-laws since Saturday. I live on 16th. Any advice on getting my little Honda Civic home without chains? Are the roads passable?

  • Deb December 26, 2008 (8:56 am)

    I caught my 54E at 7:15 as usual on 45th and Wildwood, with my regular driver and it went the normal route and I arrived downtown at the normal time…don’t know what the problem after that was…hope the commute home is okay…on Tuesday it took me 3.25 hours to get home from downtown…

  • Tracy December 26, 2008 (9:01 am)

    I have a huge garbage/recycle situation here. Please keep monitoring to let me know when I can expect pickup and I assume they are going to skip recycle and to to yard waste pickup which I do not need.

  • mellaw6565 December 26, 2008 (9:06 am)

    In answer to several inquiries – the main roads here in W. Seattle are all clear and wet – no ice (not cold enough) so no chains or traction tires required.

    I also just returned from a round-trip downtown via the Viaduct – piece of cake:)

  • mayjune December 26, 2008 (9:07 am)

    I waited from 8:00-8:55 and never saw the 54E or either of the two buses that should have come from the ferry terminal. I double-checked all holiday route cancellations and adverse weather notices and didn’t see anything that should have affected these 3 buses coming up Fauntleroy. Oh well.

  • WSB December 26, 2008 (9:12 am)

    Tracy – What SPU told us is that when they finally come, they will pick up EVERYTHING – yard waste, recycle, AND trash. So when your next scheduled day comes, put it ALL out. I will re-verify this with SPU today/Monday and will definitely continue to post updates till we’ve all gotten back to normal … we are Monday pickup in our ‘hood so we now are going on 3 weeks and it’s crazy, especially what’s awaiting recycling.

  • d. December 26, 2008 (10:03 am)

    …catching the 54 to downtown around noon (12:37) from the Junction…their site says it’s running a normal weekday route…anyone having problems?

  • heckya December 26, 2008 (10:17 am)

    Has anyone seen a UPS truck? Does anyone else’s package still say “Out for Delivery” since 12/24. The UPS 800# people are pretty clueless about this snow situation and told me it must be lost so I should have it tracked by the shipper. I know it’s riding in the back of the truck somewhere, and I’d just like to track the truck down and save the driver from heading down here in Slushville on foot. We’re in the 31st/Holden area.

  • mayjune December 26, 2008 (10:25 am)

    heckya – I saw 2 UPS trucks heading south on Fauntleroy this morning between 8-9.

  • flowerpetal December 26, 2008 (10:41 am)

    I thought I was catching a 21 this morning cuz it said 21. However, it was a 22 (or it was going to be a 22) but 22’s aren’t running so the drivere was told to run the 21 route. When we got to Avalon and 35th she announced that she had to wait there for 10-15 minutes before heading downtown and if another bus came we could hop on that. Another bus did come; however it was another 22 turned 21 and it too would be waiting. So, eventually a 54 did come along and we did finally make it downtown after some confusion. I’m curious how two 22’s made it all the way out to WS before discovering that the 22’s were not running. Afterall, I knew that hours earlier from looking at Metro’s website.
    I do not want a repeat performance this afternoon of my adventures on Tuesday. I left work at 2:30 from downtown and did not get home until 6:50 p.m. That day, I ended up on a 120 because I at least knew that I would get to West Seattle.
    I’m leaving work early this afternoon to strike out for home.

  • GenHillOne December 26, 2008 (10:44 am)

    heckya – my packages don’t even say “out for delivery” again since “emergency road conditions” on 12/19 – my understanding from a UPS family member (not here), is that it probably means they are still sitting on a truck somewhere, not having been re-scanned at the hub. Don’t know if that means the truck has gone back out or sitting somewhere…

  • Jon December 26, 2008 (10:50 am)

    Leaving Othello about 9:30, I passed a Parks Dept. high-lift with a small scoop on front heading up our hill, between California and 39th. Dunno if he is plowing the area streets or not — maybe a sign of impending trash pickup? — but they remain a mess. I got out with 4WD, but my neighbor got his BMW stuck halfway out his driveway. UPS remains AWOL in our area. They are dead to me.

  • Sheila December 26, 2008 (10:52 am)

    The 120 was running about a half-hour late this morning. One bus went past me, full. The next one stopped and had lots of seats.

    The side streets in Puget Ridge area are still filled with deep slush. Our truck got thru all the snow fine, but got stuck twice already in the slush and had to get towed out by nice neighbors.

  • heckya December 26, 2008 (10:56 am)

    Thanks for the great info GenHillOne and mayjune…maybe my package will come in time to be New Years presents if I’m lucky. I know, maybe they should put plows on the front of the UPS trucks!

  • Sue December 26, 2008 (11:03 am)

    How is it out walking today? I haven’t been out since last Tuesday’s “fun” trip home from downtownn. Has the rain/melting made things more slick than they’d been a few days ago? Improved? I’ve got an appointment in the junction at 3 today (1/2 mile walk) and wondering what I’m in for or whether I need to cancel.

  • Jon December 26, 2008 (11:15 am)

    UPS said Wednesday that they were locking up the backlog of packages in truck trailers because they had no hope of delivering them this week. And they said they weren’t going to attempt delivery of those packages until next week. So that’s where a lot of people’s packages are.

    They also said they were not hiring any extra staff to help get it done faster, and told the staff at their pickup locations to lock the doors and go home for the week. A driver told me the company had no weather plan at all and just left the drivers to deal with the crush.

  • Gina December 26, 2008 (11:37 am)

    Has anyone heard anything about when/if side roads are going to be given some attention? I got out just fine this morning but had to leave my car at the end of my street on the way home because of the terrible conditions our side roads are still in. In fact, one of our neighbors is out there trying to shovel our street because he’s fed up….It just seems crazy to me because the main roads are all in pretty good shape but the side roads have yet to be touched. Thanks WSB, for giving me a place to vent!

  • flowerpetal December 26, 2008 (11:40 am)

    I saw a UPS truck on 35th/Avalon this morning. I also saw a Fedex truck on Christmas Eve morning at Westwood.

  • heckya December 26, 2008 (11:45 am)

    Oh that’s great news, Jon. So that begs the question. Has anyone gotten a UPS delivery yet today?

  • Vickie December 26, 2008 (11:46 am)

    Has anyone been to Westwood Village yet today? Reports earlier in the week made it sound like the parking lot was pretty bad with ruts and all – wondering if it’s improved any yet. Thanks!

  • bj December 26, 2008 (11:56 am)

    Any one know if we will be able to get from the airport to Alaska and 50th tomorrow night? Flight gets in at 7:00P and we have reservations with Shuttle Express but am not counting on them to get us to our door with our luggage. I’m sure we can’t go down Alaska but are the side roads like 48th/49th clear from Morgan Junction area north? Would appreciate any info.
    Many thanks

  • Jon December 26, 2008 (11:57 am)

    On my way to work this morning at about 9:40, I did see our usual UPS driver rounding the turn from Fauntleroy onto California. They’re out there, but with whose packages is the question. Tracking shows I should get one today. But it has not been updated since arriving early Wednesday, so I assume it is locked up and won’t be updated until it is scanned again Monday at the earliest. Another late Christmas present.

  • Jon December 26, 2008 (12:00 pm)

    Not sure about the runways. But I do know the parking situation at the airport is very bad. A friend had to offer up a spot on her street, then provide a ride to the airport, for someone driving in from Vancouver who flew out yesterday. Apparently all lots were full and he was turned away.

  • Stuart December 26, 2008 (12:04 pm)

    Anyone know my best bet to get to Morgan Thriftway from 35th? How is Morgan heading west?
    I’m in a relative valley on 37th and Elmgrove, so, this is IF I can even get to 35th heading east. Going west towards California could prove very difficult. Argh.

  • Gina December 26, 2008 (12:10 pm)

    Ah, Stuart, you are a neighbor feeling my pain! :) Take 37th to Thistle and then go down California. If you can get to Thistle, you’ll be fine.

  • Stuart December 26, 2008 (12:16 pm)

    Okay, I shall try that! From here to Thistle looks tricky, but, probably doable. Thanks!

  • add December 26, 2008 (12:28 pm)

    It’s starting to snow lightly here on Gatewood Hill and it feels like it’s gotten colder. We are going to get outta here for a visit over on Mercer Island before the chance of getting snowed in AGAIN might hit! Packing bags for an overnight if necessary…

  • add December 26, 2008 (12:29 pm)

    PS – Morgan heading west from 35th seems to be fine – I haven’t been on it myself but can see cars going up/down and all seems fine.

  • Diane December 26, 2008 (12:38 pm)

    I’m at 37th and Hinds; I’ve seen UPS trucks drive up and down 37th all throughout snow/ice/storms everyday (except xmas); they are out there today

  • Lucy December 26, 2008 (1:14 pm)

    Does anyone know if Holden between 35th and Calif has been plowed? I can’t believe it has not been plowed in days. last time I was on it was Weds evening. Probably can make if not but seems like it is an arterial that should be plowed. I have given up on side streets- just hope the rain washes alot away quickly.

  • Sarah December 26, 2008 (1:18 pm)

    Everyone waiting for overdue UPS deliveries – I’m at Avalon & Charlestown and just got the package I should have received on 12/22. There were two people working from one truck – divide and conquer! Our driver hilariously described the situation at UPS as a “cluster#&@%”; I feel bad for her (and the rest of the drivers).

  • iggy December 26, 2008 (1:31 pm)

    Definitely a Christmas to forget at my house. LOL. Finally ended up hiking to the Morgan Starbucks for some conversation and to get out for a bit. This morning managed to get a 54 bus to and from the Alaska Junction. Bus was fine, but many sidewalks around both Morgan and Alaska Junctions are still ice covered. It’s raining now, so hopefully by tomorrow will get the car out and be back to normal. A big thanks to all my new friends on WSB who helped me get through this past 10 days and retain some sanity!!!!! Even managed to laugh a bit. Those of us living alone and with health issues are definitely challenged to stay cheerful when bad weather hits and renders us homebound for such an extended period, especially over the holidays.

  • Gina December 26, 2008 (1:49 pm)

    Dug out my driveway, and made a channel to the alley storm drain. Watched a Hummer, a Volvo and an SUV fishtail up the side street hill at the end of the alley. Just 100 feet, so close and yet so far to flat, plowed pavement…

  • angelescrest December 26, 2008 (2:03 pm)

    Admiral west from California’s great, but, oh my gosh…dropping off my daughter to babysit on 45th (and College area)was nerve-wracking. Those side streets are a mess; at the beach there is more of a melt.

  • iggy December 26, 2008 (2:22 pm)

    Just called the Southwest Library. They said their parking lot and Henderson is still a mess and probably will be tomorrow as well. I had some DVDs due today, and even though someone else wanted them so I couldn’t renew them online, they extended the due date until next week for me. I also had some holds that were supposed to go back today if I didn’t claim them, and they extended those a week. Here’s their phone if anyone else needs to call: 206-684-7455

  • GenHillOne December 26, 2008 (2:28 pm)

    Vickie – (if you haven’t gone to Westwood yet) we just got back. Barton & Trenton are both slushy with tracks, just fine. Parking lots are a sloppy mess. There are some spots of icy potholes and a few spaces that are a still little snow drifts, but otherwise fine.

    Ham report – couple very large ones (too big for us) @ WW QFC, canned only @ Admiral Safeway, good stock of bone-in @ Metropolitan.

  • Vickie December 26, 2008 (2:48 pm)

    Thanks, GenHillOne! I appreciate the report – I think I’m going to wait until tomw and see how things fare overnight…

  • cjboffoli December 26, 2008 (3:26 pm)

    UPS update: There was a package I needed urgently that was supposed to be delivered on 12/23. Then it got bumped to 12/26. And this morning it was bumped further to 12/29 which would be too late. So I called UPS and they told me that the package was at the depot on 7th Ave South in SoDo and I was welcome to go down there a pick it up.
    Main roads down there were fine but the side streets around the depot were horrid. Deep slushy ice like here in WS. I almost hit opposing traffic a couple of times as all the cars were doing a sort of dosey doe as they worked their way through the ice ruts and slush.
    The staff at the depot all looked like they hadn’t slept in four days. A nice man named Romeo could not believe that the UPS 1-800 customer service told me to go to the depot. He told me most of their package backlog is still in trailers and they won’t even begin to sort again until SUNDAY night. Many people were there trying to do the same thing. Most were being turned away. Fortunately, my package was not stowed in one of the trailers. But it was out on the road in a truck. The best he could do was to tell me roughly where the truck was so I could go find it. So back in the car through the horrid ice and slush. Then back to West Seattle.
    All the depot told me was that the truck with my package was currently working the blocks east of California between 4500-5500. I wasn’t about to go looking on side streets. But I totally lucked out when I found the UPS truck only a block from my house. I parked my car and ran after him. My regular driver was super nice. Found all of the packages on the truck that belonged to me. And also grabbed a couple for my neighbors.
    They’re out there. Everyone just needs to exercise a bit of patience as they have a backlog of a weeks worth of packages during one of the busiest shipping weeks of the year.

  • WSB December 26, 2008 (3:32 pm)

    WOW! That’s quite a story. Definitely uneven, and I’m sure frustrating, for the drivers too, as we have seen them up on our street – even the snowy stub south of the arterial-to-arterial corner – most days since this began, yet we’ve heard so many WSBers’ stories of packages undelivered.

  • WSB December 26, 2008 (3:35 pm)

    Bus rider info: Via Twitter from orcmid, who lives in WS – “MT #128 Admiral District to Southcenter and back running late but regularly, with 3-4 reroutes in effect.”

  • MargL December 26, 2008 (3:41 pm)

    Saw a UPS truck on our street (104th/34th) at around Noon. Unfortunately we didn’t get our package but a lucky neighbor did get something!

    On a side note:
    Made it down to Trader Joe’s today (yay!) 35th/106th/Ambaum no problems. Parking lot is a slushy mess so take your galoshes. They are well stocked but the warehouse is out of spiced apple cider. Oh darn! :-)

  • Kayleigh December 26, 2008 (4:45 pm)

    Took the 54X out of downtown, no problem.

  • bj December 26, 2008 (6:12 pm)

    I can’t seem to get anyone to answer any of my posts. We are out of town and scheduled to fly in to SeaTac tomorrow at 7P. Can someone tell me if 48th/49th from around Findlay north to 50th and Alaska would be driveable. Usually the route we use when it snows. Pretty flat and 49th is an arterial for firetrucks. Have a reservation w/shuttle express but think I may need a backup plan. Their website says doing normal ops beginning 27th but it might not include WS.
    Appreciate any info. Thank you.

  • Admiral Janeway December 26, 2008 (6:42 pm)

    Rode the 56x this morning without any problems. The evening commute was a different story. No 56. Some people were waiting since 4:30. Once again, I hopped on whatever bus was going to West Seattle and walked home from the Spokane/Chelan.

  • SD December 26, 2008 (6:55 pm)

    bj, I don’t have specific information about those streets (I haven’t been west of California on Alaska) but the forecast is for rain and temps in the mid 40s tomorrow so hopefully by tomorrow night even the side streets will be clear of snow.

    But hopefully someone who lives over near you will add more specifics.

  • bj December 26, 2008 (7:02 pm)

    Thank you SD, hopefully there will be someone that can answer.

  • JayDee December 26, 2008 (7:33 pm)


    I drove 49th up to Genessee today in 2-wheel drive and it was easily passable just staying to the ruts. There is slush on 49th but pretty manageable. Can’t say about what Shuttle Express will promise, but by 7 PM tomorrow you should be fine. SNOW is now a four letter word…

  • Sue December 26, 2008 (9:02 pm)

    Kayleigh, that’s good news about the 54X this evening. I was off today, but have been hoping that by Monday it would be somewhat normal. Or at least better than it was earlier in the week.

  • bj December 26, 2008 (9:31 pm)

    Thank you JayDee for the street update. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

  • ouchy December 26, 2008 (9:48 pm)

    Amazing thing just happened: UPS! At 9:45pm! So one box down, two to go. One box is scheduled for Monday, the other is who knows.

  • WSB December 26, 2008 (10:04 pm)

    Probably the same truck we reported in our latest post … having seen it in M-Junction at 8:41 pm. I put out an inquiry to UPS media many hours ago and never got an answer. Maybe they’re off … but heaven knows their drivers seem to be working o/t.

  • datamuse December 26, 2008 (11:17 pm)

    A friend of mine’s husband works for UPS. Christmas was the first day she’d seen him since Monday–he was sleeping at the depot.

Sorry, comment time is over.