West Seattle scenes: Big night for holiday parties

Salty’s on Alki is done up to the Christmas nines inside as well as out, as you can tell from that photo taken during Wednesday night’s West Seattle Chamber of Commerce holiday party (with WSCoC executive director Patti Mullen at center). That was the biggest party in West Seattle north; as for West Seattle south, 34th District Democrats gathered to celebrate both the holidays and recent victories — not just the presidential and governor elections:

Left to right, the three local state legislators who won their races – all unopposed – last month, 34th District Rep. Sharon Nelson, Sen. Joe McDermott, Rep. Eileen Cody. (By the way, Sen. McDermott is the new assistant floor leader; Rep. Cody leads the Health Care and Wellness committee). One more elected official on hand — long after we left the party, Pathfinder K-8 parent Leslie Harris sent this photo of Hizzoner buying a handmade wreath from PF parent Brent Morgan:

The Pathfinder community also is selling handmade gifts at a Craft Fair on campus tonight, and continuing to sell wreaths in The Junction on Hometown Holiday Sundays, as we showed you last weekend. Meanwhile: In The Junction and beyond, tonight’s biggest holiday event is one you can enjoy at more than 40 locations all over West Seattle: The holiday edition of the West Seattle Second Thursday Art Walk, 6-9 pm, venues and artists listed here – and you can see the map fullsize here. WSB sponsors that are participating (in order of their numbers on the map): Hotwire Coffee, Wellness at The Junction (you’ll see that as 8 Limbs Yoga on the map), Dream Dinners, Click! Design That Fits, West Seattle Nursery, M3 Bodyworks, Seattle Wellness Programs, Skylark, and Ama Ama Oyster Bar and Grill (where WSB contributing photographer Christopher Boffoli‘s fabulous images will be displayed on the flatscreens over the bar during the 6-9 Art Walk hours).

3 Replies to "West Seattle scenes: Big night for holiday parties"

  • Bets December 11, 2008 (8:03 am)

    Hey – remember the Art Walk in the junction tonight. Its from 6-9 and in businesses all along California ave from the junction up to Admiral. You know there will be hand made wooden boxes and jewelry ;-). Look here for the map http://www.westseattleartwalk.blogspot.com/ See you there neighbors!

  • Suits are not boring December 11, 2008 (9:42 am)

    Port Commissioner John Creighton was there, too

  • JenV December 11, 2008 (10:39 am)

    Holiday party at the Nazi restaurant! yay!

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