West Seattle Crime Watch: Backyard metal theft

Tina shares this alert:

Not sure if anyone else has been hit lately, but we noticed this week that some 6-7′ heating pipes were missing from inside our yard. This is the second time something has been taken in the past week. The pipes were tucked away near our fence so the person or persons must have been searching. I know these “scrappers” may be after only what seems to be junk right now, but I’m concerned that once the well runs dry they’ll up the game. We have seen the infamous red pick-up in our alley – a couple of Saturdays ago, right around 6 p.m. We live on 37th between Fauntleroy and Genesee (map). Obviously they like this neighborhood now. Please keep an eye out. I also saw a white male in a tan/gold sedan (Chevy or Taurus type) leaving our alley (Saturday), going directly across the street to the north and thru that alley. I waited and they turned around at the end of that alley, which would be Dakota (?). I didn’t wait because I felt silly for being suspicious, but perhaps I should have. Beware.

3 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Backyard metal theft"

  • Franci September 7, 2008 (9:13 am)

    Sorry to hear about your experience. They are starting to hit Gatewood too, I had a ladder stolen out of my yard over Labor Day Weekend.

  • tpn September 8, 2008 (10:57 am)

    There is a scrap metal thief that camps out in the 3400 block of East Marginal under Hwy 99. Sometimes he is under the w.s. bridge on Spokane near 1st Ave S. There are others that frequent the area. Drive by sometime, and you will see many items taken from yards piled in and around his truck. Shovels, Bikes, pipes, car parts, you name it. Most of these folks park their rigs in the SODO/Georgetown/South Park areas, because that is where the scrap dealers are. One of the places they go is Independent Metals on 8th Ave S. near the river.

  • R. Kaufman September 11, 2008 (7:15 pm)

    My neighbor had her kitchen sink taken from her gated, locked, front yard! She lives on 18th between Trenton and Cloverdale. The same day her neighbor had pipes stolen from their yard. I must say metal theft is rampant.

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