Tonight’s Design Review Board meeting: Quick toplines

Full report to come, but here’s the headline version: The two meetings (“early design guidance” for 35th/Graham High Point mixed-use project, “recommendations” for revised Fauntleroy Place) together lasted 3 1/2 hours. Results: High Point project (see the presentation) needs work, must come back for second round of “early design guidance”; FP (see the presentation) can advance to permit stage but with some tweaks. Details later.

2 Replies to "Tonight's Design Review Board meeting: Quick toplines"

  • Ken August 15, 2008 (6:16 am)

    A sickening documentary of the expected and continuous bending over to the developers.

    Those of us who remember the original plans and lofty goals pre-construction, will also have to remember we did not believe the original BS either.

    Another 200 units of luxury apartments and overpriced parking.

    7000 sf retail. All to be fronted on I-35. That is the reason for the traffic light. All other justification is revealed for the self serving PR that it is.

    Affordable walkable groceries will never be allowed in this neighborhood as long as the opportunity to exploit the area by real estate speculators slicing up the privatized property once held in trust for the common good of Satellites, is the primary goal.

    And yet, a QFC, a Safeway, and a Whole Paycheck are placed within 200 ft of each other near Jefferson square.

    Highpoint will no doubt get yet another chain coffee house and several nail salons.

    But I’m not bitter.

  • nuni August 15, 2008 (9:33 am)

    Yah!! Give us a frickin’ normal grocery store within walking distance! Why is that too much to ask for? There are tons of families in this neighborhood and senior citizens who don’t drive.

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