Happy ending: Stolen bike found — in school bathroom

Just got a note from Dave at West Seattle High School confirming that the bike taken from a freshman during orientation earlier this week (original WSB report here) turned up in one of the bathrooms at the school (as mentioned in this comment last night). After getting Dave’s note, we checked with the family who originally reported the theft to WSB, and they told us that indeed, bike and owner are now reunited.

3 Replies to "Happy ending: Stolen bike found -- in school bathroom"

  • B August 21, 2008 (10:59 am)

    Sounds like he experienced his first high school prank. Ah…those were the days! Taking your friends bike was practically a sport at my college. The best part was locking it in odd public places (with your lock of course) until they found it.

  • PSPS August 21, 2008 (3:56 pm)

    We put our math teacher’s MG convertible in one of our high school building’s hallways.
    Ahhh, the good old days!

  • Rick August 21, 2008 (6:30 pm)

    VeeDub on the roof! ‘Course later they made us take it down under threat of suspension.

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