Alert: Possible metal-theft casing?

Christopher just sent this – in light of this recent discussion, you might want to be on the lookout:

Just a few minutes ago I watched a man walk down my alley (just off
Oregon between 40th and 41st). He was white, thin, in his 20’s, about
5 foot 7, wearing blue jeans, a blue jacket and a baseball cap. He
drew my attention because he seemed to be acting
suspiciously…looking around at my neighbor’s doorways. When I saw
him pick-up and examine a copper garden ornament in a neighbor’s
garden I decided to go out there to see what was up. When he saw me
he put the item down and walked away. I called the SPD non-emergency
number and filed a report while I followed him on foot for a few
blocks until I lost him. He may or may not have driven away in a
small red Chevrolet that was parked at 39th and Oregon. Just wanted
to spread the word. From what I heard, 11 am seems to be prime
burglary time. I’m not sure if he was looking for metal in general or
if he was just opportunistic. Just thought I’d pass this along so
folks can be on the lookout.

10 Replies to "Alert: Possible metal-theft casing?"

  • B August 28, 2008 (12:55 pm)

    Was it a red Camero? I saw a similar guy wandering around the alley behind the Junction a few days ago looking kind of odd that matches your description to a T.

  • Christopher Boffoli August 28, 2008 (2:13 pm)

    No, it wasn’t a Camaro. It was a small sedan like a Chevy Spectrum or some kind of Geo.

  • fiz August 28, 2008 (5:52 pm)

    Which side of Oregon?

  • Christopher Boffoli August 28, 2008 (9:09 pm)

    The section of Oregon that runs from California down the hill towards Fauntleroy. Like it says above, 39th and Oregon is where I lost sight of the guy.

  • baba nulu August 28, 2008 (10:09 pm)

    Great descriptions, maybe take a photo next time?

  • cashmere August 28, 2008 (10:22 pm)

    i live on that street and my bbq was stolen today

  • schwaggy August 29, 2008 (10:07 am)

    I think fiz is asking North or South side or Oregon? There are many posts recently about this alley that runs BOTH sides between 40th and 41st but never mentioning which side. Alley North of Oregon (toward Genesee) or South (toward Alaska). And Christopher, aren’t you *always* carrying a camera? It sounds like we live in the same ‘hood.
    Cashmere – what side are you on? Sorry ’bout your BBQ!
    If I ever see anybody I don’t recognize mucking around in the alley (our side is between Oregon and Genesee), they’re going to get a bit more than general questions – guaranteed.

  • Foxy Diamond August 29, 2008 (11:44 am)

    Twice this week my hound dog has woke me up growling like something out of a Stephen King movie! She had her hackles UP and went lurching aroung the house checking all the entry points. I live on 40th between Oregon & Alaska. A few months ago I had a man with a similar description in my backyard seemingly using my yard as a port’o’potty not thinking completely through (& I suppose knowing I have a BIG dog who has my back) I went chasing after the guy! First I asked “Hey what the F are you doing?” he replied he was “resting” I followed him down the alley moving south towards Alaska calling for my neighbors to come out the whole way.I used a neighbors phone & called the cops. I feel so very thankful to 1 live in a neighborhood where folks actually care about what is happening around them & 2 for this really keen blog so we all have “eyes” even when we are not at home! **** But my dog IS!

  • ericak August 29, 2008 (2:10 pm)

    schwaggy- the south side, between oregon and alaska is what christopher and cashmere are referring to. seems the attempted thefts and actual thefts happened between 11am and 4:30pm.

  • JimboMeathooks August 30, 2008 (3:52 pm)

    I live on that street and own 13 handguns and several rifles and shotguns……..feelin lucky punk?

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