More West Seattle 4th of July 2008 scenes


That’s the festive scene at Hamilton Viewpoint a short time ago, right after the Admiral 4th of July Kids’ Parade ended there — food and fun (our parade video will be up in a bit, along with coverage of the first-ever Ercolini Park parade) ensued. On our way there, we noticed a parade detail that we hadn’t caught in our video – along the route (44th and Sunset, heading west, then up to Atlantic, heading east, across California, down Palm to Hamilton VP), several houses put out speakers with Sousa marches and other parade-perfect music, like this one at California/Atlantic:


Other scenes: Here’s Alki, BEFORE the crowds – thanks to Dan E for these shots (don’t forget the traffic restrictions kick in at 6 pm; also we just got a text message that speed patrols are in action on The Bridge right now):



And now, completely unrelated to the holiday but we happened to spot it while driving through Morgan Junction on the way home — these signs are tacked up on poles along both street sides of the MJ Starbucks:


Still no official word on which stores are closing, by the way. ADDED 12:30 PM: Thanks to Joe Follansbee for a shot of West Seattle’s own tall ship Yankee Clipper (based at the marina under The Bridge) – proclaimed the city’s official tall ship by Hizzoner (who you’ll see in our upcoming Admiral parade coverage) – Joe photographed crew members and Sea Scouts relaxing on board yesterday afternoon as Tall Ships Tacoma geared up:


Joe also sent those beautiful pix of tall ships sailing from Elliott Bay toward Tacoma the other day.

5 Replies to "More West Seattle 4th of July 2008 scenes"

  • Shawn July 4, 2008 (1:25 pm)

    I think it is pretty much the dumbest thing I have ever seen, calling for a boycott of Starbucks because the owner happened to sell a team that was losing him money.

  • WSB July 4, 2008 (1:50 pm)

    I’m actually surprised anyone cared enough to make all those pieces of paper and go tack them up. In my “old media” days at Q13 (tv) when all this “Sonics leaving?” stuff started, we were underwhelmed by the lack of audience interest in Sonics coverage, Sonics-related polls, etc. People would try to organize “Save Our Sonics” rallies and our crews would catch barely a dozen participants showing up. (I know there was a better-attended one downtown a few weeks back.)

  • Traci July 5, 2008 (1:51 pm)

    Thanks Shawn for your voice of reason. I’d like to also add that it’s pretty thoughtless to suggest negatively effecting the livelyhood of 160,000 people that had nothing to do with selling the Sonics.

  • Pat July 5, 2008 (3:03 pm)

    Pet peeve: Stapling or nailing signs to trees.
    When signs are put on trees, uses tape NOT STAPLES.

    I don’t know any SuperSonics fans who would do this, But maybe the person didn’t have enough coffee to think straight.

    Will the staples be taken out any time soon?

  • BB July 5, 2008 (5:11 pm)

    Will definitely miss the Sonics. I am also sideways w/ Mr. Schultz for choosing to sell to out of town buyers that were on the record for trying to get a team in OKC… I know it’s not WS related but I really feel badly for all those businesses around the Key Arena. It’s going to be tough making up for the 81 open dates that are now on the schedule (Sonics and Thunderbirds). I do wish Hizzoner would have gone to the bargaining table with a little more gumption and commitment to a cornerstone of our city.

Sorry, comment time is over.