Fauntleroy gateway cleanup: 2 months away but SIGN UP NOW

That was the request when we talked with cleanup organizer Nancy Driver after tonight’s JuNO meeting (more on the main topics, development, later). We’ve told you before about the plan for a huge community cleanup from Walking on Logs to Fauntleroy/35th on September 13th, including the recent details that it’ll be 9 am-3 pm, and volunteers 14 and up can sign up for 2-hour shifts. Nancy explains that she needs signups now because this is a major organizational effort – everything from loaner orange vests to donated treats – and she has to have a rough head count. No obligation if you have to change your plans later, but if you think there’s even a remote chance you’ll be able to help out on September 13th, please e-mail Nancy right now: ndriver@quidnunc.net

1 Reply to "Fauntleroy gateway cleanup: 2 months away but SIGN UP NOW"

  • seattle golfer July 9, 2008 (9:13 pm)

    Can’t wait to volunteer and clean up our gateway!

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