day : 16/07/2008 11 results

Hotwire Coffee barista Blayne’s “Project Runway” debut

No spoilers here on the home page, in case you’re watching later via TiVO etc. … we’ve got a viewing party report for starters:Read More

Alert: Major wastewater-truck traffic on Alki starting tonight


Almost lost amid all the other news, till the county just called with an update: Tonight’s the night that they’ve started to use pump trucks to move sewage flow from the 53rd Ave construction site (first warning posted here last week), so that it can briefly bypass the regular pipes. County spokesperson Martha Tuttle says, “It’s a bit more chaotic than we expected.” 15 trucks are operating right now – probably fewer later as the flow slows. Here’s the route the trucks are taking.

Trucks traveling to the West Seattle Pump Station will follow Alki Avenue Southwest to Harbor Avenue Southwest. Trucks traveling to the Alki Stormwater Treatment Plant will follow this route: Alki Avenue Southwest to 63rd Avenue Southwest to Beach Drive Southwest to 64th Avenue Southwest to Southwest Wilton Court.

The trucks involved are similar to the rigs involved in this afternoon’s Avalon rescue – “Vactors.” We just talked to another worker at the scene – she says traffic is down to one lane for the duration of this (24 to 36 hours, so possibly all the way till Friday morning); the pedestrian walkway on the water side is closed for a few blocks, so flaggers are helping people get to the other side of the street to use the sidewalk there. The county also stresses that if you have a major problem, please call their 24-hour construction hotline – it’s linked to a pager so you need to leave name/number – 206-205-5656.

Avalon rescue, report #2: How the victim’s doing; photos; more



WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli shot those photos (and all others in this report unless otherwise credited) as the rescued worker was taken to an aid car to be rushed to the hospital. Meantime, we’re starting a new post here to put together all the information we have, now that the construction worker’s been rescued (see previous post for our two-plus hours of frequent as-it-happened updates). Here’s Technical Rescue Lt. Powell explaining afterward what the operation was like:

The Fire Department says the bucket of an excavator that was being used at the scene is believed to have had something to do with the collapse that trapped the worker for more than two hours. You can see that excavator on the right side of this photo (which we’ve also added to our original series of updates below):


As the owners of nearby future restaurant Cafe Revo told WSB during our updates, the crew was doing drainage work on behalf of the landlord at that site, not related to their work turning the ex-Murphy’s into a restaurant. According to an SFD spokesperson, the rescued man is “alert” but since he is just now being evaluated at the hospital, there’s no further word yet on his condition or whether he suffered any internal injuries. Here’s a shot of the roadblock during the incident – sounds from the scanner like it’s now cleared (let us know if you’re seeing otherwise):


ADDED 7:25 PM: The entire rescue unfolded before the eyes of the folks who live in the residential unit at the back of the Revo building — Sarah sent us photos including these next three, starting with this bird’s-eye view of some of the fire equipment and its personnel:


As for the actual rescue scene itself, she had to shoot through a window screen, but if you missed the earlier live aerials many of us watched online and/or on-air, you can get an idea of the incredibly intense activity that surrounded the collapse site until the worker was pulled out:


A different kind of activity hub was across Avalon, where reporters and photographers were asked to stay, for safety’s sake (theirs and the crews involved in the rescue):


ADDED 7:55 PM: More photos taken by Christopher – first one, the scene before the Vactor trucks arrived to help clear the debris that were trapping the worker:


Workers began to assemble sections of pipe after a city truck brought it in:


Nearby salon Ola had to be evacuated after a while just in case the scene became more dangerous:


More rescue teams converged around the scene:


Firefighters from Ladder 11 rigged lines and pulleys to provide leverage so they could get the victim out:


P.S. The Fire Department just updated its media-info line with a few more details. They’re not releasing the worker’s name but say he is reported to be in stable condition. He became trapped in the 8-foot-deep trench when 1 side of it “collapsed in on him.” Technical-rescue experts worked with Seattle Public Utilities crews to get the man out – SPU’s two large Vactor trucks pumped dirt out of the hole; meantime, there were “about five” Technical Rescue team members in the hole with the worker as the operation continued, while medics monitored his condition, made sure he had pain medication, kept him hydrated. Christopher’s photos at the top of this post are vastly better, but we did also shoot video as the rescued man was being taken to the aid car:

11:21 PM UPDATE: KOMO identifies the man as Kelley Vielle and quotes family members as saying he’s on oxygen but able to talk and “moving his toes.”

Another traffic alert: Westbound Bridge at 1st Ave S

Adding to the traffic closures related to the construction-worker rescue on Avalon (see post below, with continuous updates) – there’s an accident of some type on The Bridge, westbound at 1st Avenue So. Traffic “moving slowly.” 5:07 PM UPDATE: They are getting ready to reopen the 1st Ave. S. onramp to the westbound bridge.

Updates: Construction rescue on Avalon, plus traffic alerts

(no more updates here – post-rescue updates and wrapup can be found here)


(photo by WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli)
Two of us were driving through the Luna Park business district on the way to the Water Taxi when the first emergency vehicles rolled up – the callout was “trench rescue” – we saw what looked like the site of some digging toward the southwest side of the ex-Murphy’s/Cafe Revo building, with rescuers heading for it; some texts we received suggest it’s a sinkhole; another team member is just arriving now – stay away from that part of Avalon, which is now blocked off by emergency vehicles (between Yancy and The Bridge).

4:10 PM UPDATE: Scanner says the exit on The Bridge leading to Harbor is going to be closed off to minimize traffic to this scene. WSB team at the scene reports it’s a construction trench that collapsed. No word on the condition of the person(s) who needs to be rescued. SFD “heavy rescue” equipment just arrived.

4:16 PM UPDATE: In comments, Sarah says a friend who works at Ola salon next to the scene was told the construction work was related to the restaurant project and the salon is effectively closed right now because no one can get into or out of the scene.

4:21 PM UPDATE: Public information officer at the scene says the construction worker is stuck about 4 to 6 feet down, by loose soil and crumbled concrete — they’re bringing in more equipment to help clear the hole, including Vactor trucks. The worker is reported to be conscious and not currently in pain.

4:29 PM UPDATE: As Nancy posted in comments, KING 5 has a live aerial feed up at this link. We can’t compete with that one – no Chopper WSB – but there’s no narration on their feed so keep checking here periodically – we have two people at the scene feeding us info we’re posting as we get it, and we’re monitoring scanner traffic (“ongoing process” is how one rescuer just described it when someone else on the emergency frequency asked for an update).

4:33 PM UPDATE: New update from the scanner — “victim appears to be doing well, he is drinking Gatorade and participating in the rescue.”

4:43 PM UPDATE: Update at the scene from fire department PIO, the victim is trapped from the waist down but still conscious and alert, the Vactor trucks will be working to help clear some of the concrete, asphalt, and dirt that collapsed and trapped him. From the comments, two people report that Ola is going to be evacuated because more digging will be necessary “under the building” to help make this rescue happen. Also note that Nancy has posted bus reroute info in comments – we will seek to verify with Metro.

KING chopper feed went to color bars, will watch to see if anything else comes up. Meantime here’s a map showing known road closures because of this rescue effort:

View Larger Map

Sounds on the scanner like rescuers have made progress at least partially freeing one of the worker’s legs.

4:55 PM UPDATE: Yet another “heavy rescue” vehicle just arrived. And our crew on the scene says “a stretcher’s gone up” (to the rescue scene). KING just reported the man who’s being rescued is in his 30s. Their live aerial feed is back up online – intermittently.

5:06 PM UPDATE: At the scene, they’ve just rolled a medic unit closer into position – hoping that might be a sign they’re getting closer to pulling the man out.

5:14 PM UPDATE: Scanner says rescuers who are in the hole with the victim are rotating in and out to keep fresh. Our team at the scene says lumber is being cut now to take in to shore up the hole so that it doesn’t collapse further.

5:28 PM UPDATE: At least one nearby business has closed for the day (Avalon Glass Works) since nobody can get into or out of the area. Rescue work continues.

5:35 PM UPDATE: Watching the live KING chopper feed – the rescuers appear to be rigging a hoist of some kind. Scanner traffic says a crew has to go get some kind of special equipment and/or piping from another location (the “Charles Street shop”) – and they’re going to get a police escort to go get it posthaste.

5:40 PM UPDATE: Thanks so much to JH for sending this photo – looking toward the rescue scene south of Revo, in front of Ola, from Avalon:


5:43 PM UPDATE: WSB just talked with Cafe Revo co-owner Sean Goff at the scene – and what he told us is pretty much the same thing his wife and Revo co-owner Sofia Zadra Goff just left in comments – pulling it up here to the main story too – note this is NOT part of the Revo conversion work, as she explains:

My husband and I own Cafe Revo. I just wanted to let everyone know that the construction going on has nothing to do with our business or renovation. We have not begun any construction yet. The workers there have been hired by the owner of the building (including Ola and the apartments, as well as our space). She is having work done to fix some bad drainage from the parking lot that has been leaking for some time into our space (while Murphys was there) and had caused the South Wall of the building to rot out. All of the men down there that have been working have been very nice and respectful of our space. We really hope that the man is not hurt and will be okay. Thank you! Sofia

5:52 PM UPDATE: Some of the key equipment is moving closer into position.

HE’S OUT! 5:53 pm. And has been transferred into medic unit. We took a pic of the TV screen which we should be able to upload till our pix can get back. No word on condition yet, we’ll let you know as soon as media crews at the scene get that word.

5:59 PM UPDATE: TV screen update. Rescued man on way to hospital. Emergency rigs will be starting to pull out from the scene. Just heard aid crew tell hospital via radio they’ll be there (Harborview, we would expect) in about five minutes.


6:03 PM UPDATE: KOMO zoomed-in aerial photo showed the man trying to sit up, as they secured him on the gurney. We’re awaiting an official update at the scene and also possibly a chance to talk with a firefighter about exactly what they had to do to get him out. He was trapped for more than 2 hours – this all began around 3:40 pm.

6:26 PM UPDATE: We’ll have more pix to add in a separate post shortly. Also still staked out at the scene awaiting a potential update.

Wish it was safer to walk? Here’s a chance to advocate change

City Councilmember Nick Licata has a special interest in pedestrian safety – among other things, he’s created a special website about it (here’s a page focused on the 59th/Stevens concerns), and now he’s inviting you to a downtown forum. His staff tells WSB the official participants will include West Seattle representation from the Southwest District Council, but many more voices should be there to speak up on behalf of our peninsula’s needs. He’s co-sponsoring the forum at City Hall downtown, 6 pm next Tuesday, with Safe Walks; here’s a topline:

Safe Walks is seeking an equitable solution to the problem of providing safe pedestrian passageway throughout the city, especially in neighborhoods in the north and south ends. The forum will help identify sidewalk needs citywide and begin the work of identifying funding sources for those needs. Representatives from the Seattle Department of Transportation, Feet First, and neighborhoods around Seattle will be attending the event.

“South ends” in cityspeak includes West Seattle. Be there if you can. ADDED THURSDAY MORNING: Just heard from Safe Walks – if you’re interested in staying in closer touch with what they’re up to, follow this link to their Google Group.

“Low bridge” rush-hour restrictions? Comment time’s running out

July 16, 2008 1:41 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news


(photo by WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli)
Time is running out if you want to have a say on the proposal to ban most rush-hour openings of the “low bridge.” We told you May 22nd about its publication in the Federal Register, which kicked off the official 2-month comment period; thanks to Scott J for the reminder that those two months are almost up (next Monday is the last day). The heart of the proposal, as published, is as follows:

The proposed rule would enable the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), the owner of the Spokane Street Bridge, to keep the draws of that bridge in the closed position in order to help alleviate roadway traffic Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., with the proviso that openings shall be provided at any time for vessels of 5000 gross tons or more.

So far, the number of comments received hasn’t even hit triple digits, so your comment will carry a lot of weight. The bridge proposal has been championed by West Seattle-residing City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, who tells WSB today, “I urge everyone who travels this corridor to write in now to let the Coast Guard know that they need reliable commuting routes as the city grows in population and especially when the viaduct replacement construction projects commence. People traveling to and from West Seattle are especially vulnerable as commuting route options are limited.” The easiest way to submit a comment is to do it online; here’s a direct link to the form you need, prelabeled with the official “docket number,” and including a chance to re-read the proposal if you want to. If you’d rather postal-mail or fax your comment(s), here’s how to do that (plus info on what happens next):Read More

Ready for rides? White Center Jubilee Days carnival starts today

A WSB Forum conversation about White Center included a reminder about Jubilee Days this weekend – we checked the Jubilee Days website, and it turns out the carnival starts today (3-11 pm daily, through Sunday), Steve Cox Memorial Park; this page has a map. The Jubilee Days street festival is Saturday and Sunday; here’s the full JD event schedule.

Diesel-spill investigation at Terminal 5

July 16, 2008 10:49 am
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 |   Environment | West Seattle news

The state Ecology Department just sent word it’s investigating a diesel spill on the West Seattle side of the port, @ Terminal 5, involving a tug from Harbor Island-based Olympic. No word yet how big, but here’s the full news release:Read More

Another look at the possibility DB Cooper was from West Seattle

cooperfbi.jpgWe first mentioned this here last November when the P-I wrote about it on the anniversary of the notorious Northwest skyjacking — and today, Times columnist Danny Westneat looks at the suspicion that the skyjacker known as D.B. Cooper might have been a West Seattle transsexual. (The Puyallup couple behind the theory have now apparently written a not-yet-published book.) P.S.: Here’s the FBI web section devoted to the DB Cooper mystery.

Happening tonight: Morgan meeting, PR5 party, park $ hearing

July 16, 2008 5:58 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | Neighborhoods | West Seattle people

MORGAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MEETING: Want the latest scoop on what’s happening in the greater Morgan Junction area? Be at The Kenney (map), 7 pm tonight, for the quarterly Morgan Community Association meeting, with updates on a variety of issues and projects.

PR5 PARTY: One month after we all learned West Seattle has a stake in the new season of “Project Runway, via Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) barista Blayne, you’re invited to watch the premiere with his boss Lora Lewis and a cheering crowd at the community room of Ginomai, right around the corner from Hotwire, southwest corner of 42nd/Genesee (with a good-sized FREE parking lot on the building’s south side), bring a non-alcoholic beverage to share and a small dessert, doors open 8 pm.

PARK $ HEARING: Will your ballot this November include a new city park levy to pick up where the expiring Pro Parks Levy is leaving off? The City Council’s getting closer to deciding whether to try to get the Parks and Green Spaces Levy onto the ballot despite the mayor’s objections; tonight is your last chance to speak out at a public hearing, 5:30 pm, City Hall downtown.

These aren’t the only West Seattle events tonight (as reported the other day, you’re also invited to tonight’s Delridge District Council screening of the mini-documentary involving High Point), of course; the full list, also stretching well into the future, can be found on our West Seattle Events calendar.