Event updates: Art Walk history, Garage Sale Day progress

artwalk.jpgART WALK THIS THURSDAY: Another record number of participants — 29, from Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) in the north, where you’ll find a reception Thursday night for the Jewels in May show — to Bubbles on Delridge in the east, to West Seattle Nursery in the south. Here’s the official map; more info on the Art Walk blog. 6-9 pm Thursday, lots going on as the Art Walk expands.

WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE THIS SATURDAY: The official map of all 140-plus locations (still doublechecking to make sure we haven’t missed anyone, before we get an accurate count) garagesaledaysmalllog2.jpgis just about ready to print and will be available Thursday as promised – online (and clickable!) at westseattlegaragesale.com, where we are posting ongoing updates as preparations continue, or preprinted and available for pickup at 11 West Seattle locations: Alki Community Center, Admiral Library, Cafe Rozella, Capers, Delridge Library, Fauntleroy YMCA, Hotwire Coffee, Senior Center of West Seattle, Southwest Library, West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, West Seattle Family YMCA. Sale sites are literally all over the map, from Alki to Arbor Heights, from Fauntleroy to Pigeon Point to Westwood, and every place inbetween; more than a few fundraisers, too, including the Log House Museum, Community School of West Seattle, Kiwanis of West Seattle, Pigeon Point Neighborhood raising money for Cooper School, North Delridge Neighborhood raising money for tot play equipment at Cottage Grove Park, Homeward Pet, Breast Cancer 3-Day, Alex’s Lemonade Stand, Alki UCC … You’ll see it all on The Map. And tomorrow, a special Garage Sale Day pitch from local neighborhood leaders working on disaster preparedness

2 Replies to "Event updates: Art Walk history, Garage Sale Day progress"

  • natinstl May 6, 2008 (10:44 am)

    I hope we don’t get rained out on Saturday, the forecast isn’t looking that good right now.

  • WSB May 6, 2008 (11:08 am)

    I’m not panicking yet. After working with meteorologists around here in tv (really good ones too) for 15-plus years, I have seen how impossible it really is to forecast till you’re just a day or two away. Everybody THINK SUN :) …

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