West Seattle Crime Watch: Teen robbed, pump hit-and-run

Wanted to get this info out before finishing the Sealth/Denny meeting report — we were handcuffs_2.jpggathering this at the Southwest Precinct when the Charlestown Cafe fire broke out, and from there, it was right off to the school meeting. Anyway, from the latest police reports — we start with a robbery involving teens: A local middle-schooler was at the bus stop by KeyBank at California/Alaska this morning, playing with his GameBoy, when another teen sat down next to him, said “Hey, that’s a cool game, I used to play that on Nintendo G4,” edged closer, then suddenly grabbed the boy’s game and ran. The victim chased him for a while; then the robber turned on him and pushed him into a fence before getting away. The victim wasn’t badly hurt; he continued on to school, where he told administrators, who called police. Next — the gas-pump hit & run:

It started with a call to police around 8:40 pm Sunday night, about a drunk driver spotted at the Shell station at Fauntleroy/Alaska. Police were told the driver had sped into the gas station, hit gas pumps hard enough to break two nozzles and one headlight, then went into the station store to buy cigarettes. The clerk pointed out that the driver had hit the pumps; he denied it and fled. Police caught up with him by Lincoln Park, where they say he was going 40 in the 30 zone, and swerving, as he headed southbound on Fauntleroy; they tried to pull him over just past the ferry dock, turning on their roller lights and even sounding the siren, but they say he continued on for a block before finally pulling over — sort of — his SUV hit the curb and rolled forward, and the 58-year-old man tried to get out without putting the car in park. Police say he admitted he’d been drinking; his breath test registered more than twice the level considered legal drunkenness.

TELLTALE HAIR: Police say pink hair helped them arrest a suspect in a robbery on Delridge. The robbery happened Sunday morning; the arrest happened just before 11 pm Sunday night, when officers spotted a 14-year-old girl with pink hair who matched the description of one of the five suspects in the robbery. When police found her at Delridge and Genesee, they say they also found an iPod that looked like the one taken in the robbery – and they found out the young suspect had a previous warrant out for her arrest.

LEAVING BEHIND THE TOOLS OF THE TRADE: The owner of a Junction bar had a close encounter with a burglar early Friday. When he arrived to open his establishment on Friday morning, he heard a noise, yelled “Who’s there?”, saw someone run from behind the bar and toward the front door, subsequently busting through the deadbolt and getting away. While investigating, police determined the burglar had tried to pry open the back door but couldn’t — so he sawed through the roof over a restroom. He even pulled an alarm panel out of the wall and managed to disable it, before opening a cash machine and taking the money out of it. He wasn’t quite done when the owner surprised him, though, as he left behind a gym bag with his tools — including the saw — and some coins he had taken from a cabinet.

BUS SPAT TURNS TO SPIT: Friday night along Delridge at Elmgrove, a Metro bus driver told a woman to take her four kids and get off the bus, after she argued with him about a bus policy regarding removing small children from strollers. The driver told police she spat on him as she left the bus.

CONDO VANDALISM: Managers at a condo building in the 5000 block of California may have caught a vandal on video — they have given police a copy of their video from the time frame when somebody etched graffiti in a 6′ x 6′ window around noon last Saturday.

BURGLARIZED WHILE SHE SLEPT: Sometime last Wednesday night or Thursday morning, while a woman was asleep in the 3900 block of Othello, someone entered her house through an unlocked door, went into her purse, and stole her phone, a debit card, and cash.

ALERT NEIGHBOR SPOTS STOLEN CAR: This happened around 4:30 am Friday in the 3700 block of 42nd: Police were called about a suspected stolen car, a Mazda 626 abandoned by five people who had apparently been trying to change its flat tire. Two suspects were found by officers three blocks away — one turned out to be a 17-year-old Kent boy who had been reported missing. The other was the 21-year-old son of the car’s owner; he didn’t have permission to take it, according to his mother, but he did have several warrants out for his arrest.

CAR BREAK-IN IN BROAD DAYLIGHT: At 45th & College around 11 am Sunday, someone called police to say she had seen two people throw a rock through the window of a Dodge Durango and take things out of the vehicle before heading eastbound on Walker. Another caller told police two people had left a blue backpack on his front porch and then walked eastbound on Walker. The backpack belonged to the Durango’s owner and was returned to her; she told police two cameras also had been taken from her vehicle.

MORE ON THE ROCK-THROWING ARREST: The police report yields a few more details about the rock-throwing arrest saga we posted here as a reader report on Thursday night: For one, the suspect who was arrested that night is 13 years old; for two, he was caught with the help of a persistent witness, who chased him through several yards and across several streets.

CHURCH BREAK-IN: Early this morning, someone broke a basement window to get into a church in the 1300 block of SW Holden, then left through a door, but it doesn’t appear they took anything.

As we always remind you – don’t hesitate to call police when you see or hear something suspicious, and of course when you believe a crime has been (or is being) committed. In addition to 911, there’s a non-emergency line at 206/625-5011. A big collection of Seattle Police crime-prevention resources is linked from the Southwest Precinct’s Crime Prevention page. And previous WSB police-report coverage is archived on our Crime Watch page.

12 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Teen robbed, pump hit-and-run"

  • k February 5, 2008 (7:18 am)

    all of these burglaries and break ins will only increase with the dramatic economic situation we are in. be vigilant. lock doors in homes, cars etc. locks on windows are important and activate any alarm systems you have.

  • P February 5, 2008 (9:13 am)

    Last week a guy aggressively hammered away on the front door, went around back and kicked the door in. There might have been two people, in fact – one in front and one at the back. If you see a thug knocking on your front door during the day call 911 immediately.

    Been here a few months and thought this was a safe area. Guess we were wrong.

  • Anonymous February 5, 2008 (10:47 am)

    I can’t agree more – PLEASE PLEASE keep your eyes open – lock doors and arm your alarm systems. I thought it was safe here too, unfortunately I also was a victim of the above situation that P mentioned – this is happening in the daytime I can’t stress this more. If anyone else out there has had this happen to them recently please post a comment here or if anyone saw anything suspicious last Thursday someone running or anything please call the police even if it seemed like something really small they need all the help they can get any little bit of info can help them nab the people committing these crimes!

  • Meg February 5, 2008 (11:11 am)

    P and annoynymous what part of west seattle do you live in? Just curious to see if it is in the same neighborhood or happening all over….thanks!

  • Diana February 5, 2008 (4:39 pm)

    The North Admiral neighborhood was alerted through WSB during our recent crime spree. When it happens near you please post your approximate location so your neighbors are aware. Fast action + good neighbors = two arrests!

  • anonymous February 5, 2008 (7:27 pm)

    The location is around the Morgan Junction. Sorry we just were a bit shaken after the incident.

  • k February 5, 2008 (7:32 pm)

    west seattle neighborhoods are SO dark. i was shocked when i moved here. there is minimal if any lighting on streets. that is the ideal atmosphere for these crimes. people can take their time breaking into cars as there is no light shining on them. please turn on your outside lights at night. add motion sensor lights if you can. keep eyes and ears open. barking dogs are a good indicator. let’s do what we can as a community to support each other. thanks!

  • anonymous February 5, 2008 (7:44 pm)

    Yes I agree turn your lights on! This is one of the darkest areas I have ever lived in. We used to live in a big city and it appears that people here don’t take crime prevention seriously.

  • Nintendo 64 February 5, 2008 (8:46 pm)

    What the hell is a “Nintendo G4”? There was a “64” made by Nintendo in the late 90s and “G4” is either a measure of g force or a TV program.

  • WSB February 5, 2008 (9:03 pm)

    Could be your non-gaming reporter here mistaking a 6 for a G while squinting at reports at the precinct.

  • k February 5, 2008 (9:33 pm)

    At least we aren’t having quite the same problem as Magnolia–
    they have had over 30 daytime break-ins since December.
    Maybe this is a good time to start a block watch program if your block doesn’t have one?

  • Steve Taylor February 6, 2008 (11:09 pm)

    I live on what seems to be a popular walking path for people. Everyone I see walking by I observe them to see if they are the “regulars”. If not, I pay a little closer attention. Should I ever see someone passing by detour to a neighbors house I will pay extremely close attention. Street lights help little with day time burglaries. I suspect day time burglars presume no one is home. What is that saying “mean while back at the ranch”? Until sufficient deterrent is enacted that motivates criminals to choose not to do the crime, as the punishment for such is so severe the crime is not worth the punishment, we will likely continue to have such troubles. Judges, Lawyers and Parole personnel who allow criminals to walk among us are likely not helping the situation much either. How many criminals are repeat offenders? And those are only the ones who are caught. Thank you.

    Steve Taylor

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