West Seattle Crime Watch: Rock-throwing redux

From the latest reports at the Southwest Precinct, we begin with yet another round of rock-throwers, this time on the south end of West Seattle: handcuffs_2.jpgA man in his 80s who lives in the 9400 block of 9th SW called police around 8:30 last night, complaining that four or five boys have been throwing rocks at his house for the past week and a half, on non-rainy nights, always between 7:45 and 9 pm. Last night, he spotted them crouching behind a tree on the south side of Roxbury; he yelled to his wife to call the police, and the boys bolted. He told police he’s lived in the house 45 years and never had a problem like this. No description of the suspects, though. Next — another throwing incident, and a masher at the mini-mart:

FLINGING FOOTWEAR: Workers at a Westwood Village shoe store kept an eye on four teenagers – one boy, three girls – who came in at lunchtime Monday. After a while, they asked if the four intended to buy anything. They say the boy immediately started yelling at them; the store manager told them to leave, and things escalated, with the boy shouting, “I’m not leaving! Go ahead and do what you are going to do, call the police, I’m just a customer looking around!” The three girls stood quietly nearby while the boy was freaking out, the store staffers told police. Finally the boy told the manager “I’m going to slap you!” and she picked up the phone to call 911; he in turn picked up a shoe and threw it at her, narrowly missing. The four teens left the store before police arrived.

MINI-MART MASHER: A 20-year-old man went to jail on suspicion of harassment and violating his probation after an encounter in the mini-mart in the 6300 block of 35th SW. The victim, a 21-year-old woman, told officers the man came up to her and said “Hey sexy, do you want to drink with me?” before backing her into a corner, grabbing one of her hands with one of his, and tousling her hair with the other hand. She managed to get away but he accosted her again less than a minute later, saying, “Why won’t you come and drink with me?” and then moving in as if he were going to kiss her; she pushed him away and called 911. When officers arrived, she pointed out the suspect at a nearby bus stop. In addition to arresting him, they reviewed store surveillance video that recorded the whole thing.

AERIAL BREAK-IN: Another case of someone cutting through a roof to break into a business — this time, early Tuesday morning at a gas-station mini-mart in the 8800 block of 35th SW. A clerk showing up for work at 6 am discovered what had happened overnight; an 18-inch hole had been cut into the roof over the office, and money was missing from the register and an ATM. The burglar left behind a green boxcutter-type tool before walking out the back door.

MORE CONVENTIONAL BUSINESS BREAK-IN: An audible alarm brought police to a dry cleaners in the 6300 block of California SW around 9 pm last night. There, someone had pried open the back door. The store’s owner wasn’t sure if anything had been taken, though.

HOME BREAK-IN: A burglar stole $100 change, an iPod, laptop, camera, and .45 handgun from the 7900 block of 30th SW sometime during the day yesterday. Police say barbecue tongs were used to smash a window.

LOOKING FOR THE LOOT: In the 8100 block of 22nd SW, a woman called police this week to say two items had been stolen sometime since November from the Winnebago parked in her driveway — including her son’s BB rifle. She believes she found it at a pawn shop in the 9600 block of 16th SW; no serial number to prove it, but she bought the rifle to get it back. Records show someone pawned the gun in late December.

As we always remind you – don’t hesitate to call police when you see or hear something suspicious, and of course when you believe a crime has been (or is being) committed. In addition to 911, there’s a non-emergency line at 206/625-5011. A big collection of Seattle Police crime-prevention resources is linked from the Southwest Precinct’s Crime Prevention page. Previous WSB police-report coverage is archived on our Crime Watch page.

2 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Rock-throwing redux"

  • miws February 14, 2008 (1:04 am)

    The mini mart in the 8800 block of 35th appears to be the same one, that several years ago, I used their ATM. I noticed a sign on it that said something about twenty dollar bills, and going to the register to get change or something.


    I figured it meant that the customer could break down the twenties issued by the ATM, at them register, if they wish,


    I was surprised that when I requested forty dollars from the machine, to get two one dollar bills, with the instructions rubber ink stamped upon them to redeem the for twenties at the register.


    I was curious as to the reasoning behind that, and the only thing I could think of, was that it was to prevent someone getting away with thousands of dollars, should they steal the ATM.


    Only thing is, I’d be nervous in that setting, to have the amount of twenties needed in the till to handle that.


    It would be funny if they still loaded it that way!



  • Rick February 14, 2008 (8:09 am)

    Hey Mike, I’ll exchange ya a couple of IOU’s for 40$, and coming from me, those oughta be real safe to carry!

Sorry, comment time is over.