Reader report: Car break-in alert

Just out of the WSB inbox, from Bree:

Last night someone broke into my neighbor’s car. The only thing they took was the $20 in her glove box and the change in her ashtray. They didn’t take anything else, not even CDs. I live (in the 3400 block of) California Ave SW, which is directly across from Swedish Physicians. Our cars are parked in a back alley, which is dimly lit. I would highly advise everyone to lock their cars and be on the lookout.

And we add, as always, be sure you report everything to the police as soon as possible – if it’s hours later, the non-emergency SPD number is 625-5011, always available on our Crime Watch page.

17 Replies to "Reader report: Car break-in alert"

  • Tonya February 14, 2008 (2:18 pm)

    I live around the 3800 block of Beach Dr SW and there was a car parked on Beach Drive that was also broken into. They smashed the back window.

  • Kelli February 14, 2008 (2:28 pm)

    This happens in the alley parking off our street often (44th Ave SW, a block West of California). Always the same thing, small change. Never taking anything else. Have had to be vigilant about locking car doors.

  • I Heart Jiggers February 14, 2008 (2:34 pm)

    An overdue KUDOS to WSB’s Ms. Record and all who take time to write in to report what’s going on in the neighborhood. Excellent and timely reporting.

    Thank you!

  • k February 14, 2008 (2:49 pm)

    cash = meth

  • WSB February 14, 2008 (3:22 pm)

    k, I actually trimmed that line off the end of Bree’s note but she speculated the same thing.

  • k February 14, 2008 (3:39 pm)

    things are getting really bad for folks who are desperate for drugs. i am afraid it will get even worse as the economy keeps diving. it won’t just be the tweakers looking for a quick fix. it will be folks out of work etc.

  • JanS February 14, 2008 (3:42 pm)

    has happened to me twice…parked in a small lot behind my building, 2600 block 42nd Ave. SW…both times door was left unlocked by accident as there was no forced entry. Both times, just small change, and rifling thru the glove box…I keep thinking about putting a mouse trap or two in there under some stuff…

  • Wes February 14, 2008 (4:19 pm)

    Are any of these people Jehova Witnesses, because there was a case of some cd’s which included Jehova Witness worship music on my neighbors front lawn. If so let me know!

  • Jen V. February 14, 2008 (4:32 pm)

    It has never happened to me and I carry nearly everything I own in my car- or so it appears. :)maybe people just feel sorry for me b/c I drive a crummy car with lots of junk in it. So if you all take advice from me, keep a lot of crap in your car and no one will have a break in!
    (knocking on wood right now, thank you)

  • Dave February 14, 2008 (4:58 pm)

    Unfortunately it’s a small world. We live between Hanford and Hines on 45th and last night the same thing happened to my wife’s car. The contents of the glove box were strewn all over. Still, nothing seems to be missing.

    The funny thing (if there is anything funny about having your personal property violated)is that while cleaning things up we found an envelope containing $30 cash that we had forgotten. If the bad guys are reading this I need to tell you that you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed and NO, the cash is no longer in the car.

  • JanS February 14, 2008 (5:11 pm)

    wes, are you talking perps or victims?

  • Alki Res. February 14, 2008 (5:28 pm)

    To JanS,
    So you are driving and get pulled over by a cop. He wants to see your registration. In your nervousness (and who isn’t) you reach into your glove box…forgeting what is in there. OUCH!!!

  • LA in the Junction February 14, 2008 (7:56 pm)

    We had both our cars broken into about 7 months ago, on 45th near the Junction. Both cars were locked, but someone jimmied the locks, went through both cars and made a mess, and only made off with spare change…not cds, iPod charger, anything else. It was before we were regular readers of the blog, so we didn’t even think to report it to the police — like they would care about $3 in change? But now, if it happened again, we would report it. It’s amazing that they can pop a lock no problem and keep moving.

  • JanS February 14, 2008 (8:49 pm)

    Alki Res – lol…I don’t keep my registration and insurance in my glove box…heaven forbid – lol…the poor cop would lose patience waiting for me to find it. I keep it in a container on my visor…much handier that way :)

  • Wes February 14, 2008 (9:47 pm)

    Hey Dave I am your neighbor. The same happened down the street , whom the CD’s belong to, the perps also smeared dog poop all over there car.
    Jan the victims were Jehova Witnesses, the live across the street from me. I went and asked them if it was their cd case and it was and they had no idea it was missing.

  • JanS February 14, 2008 (11:33 pm)

    aha….I had a picture in my mind of the nicely dressed JW’s walking the neighborhood vandalizing cars…not a good image…hehe

  • vince February 18, 2008 (10:00 pm)

    my car and my friends cars were broken into under the alaskan way viaduct parking on elliot and western. I asked several people nearby and they said it was a frequent occurence. The theif not only breaks the glass, he also smashes the car with a heavy object. I am busy at work currently, but one of these Saturdays, I’ll be waiting for him.

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