Happening today/tonight: Election, RapidRide, crimefighting

ELECTION: Presidential primary, 7 am-8 pm if you haven’t voted by mail; more info here.

RAPIDRIDE: Last of 4 West Seattle open houses to share information and take comments for this phase of Metro’s West Seattle RapidRide bus-service planning, 6-7:30 pm @ Southwest Library.

CRIMEFIGHTING: West Seattle Community Safety Partnership, under new leadership elected last month, invites you to tonight’s meeting, 7 pm, Southwest Precinct. If you have a neighborhood crime or nuisance concern and would like to ask local police what’s being done, or what can be done, about it — this hour is well worth your time. (WSB coverage of last month’s WSCSP meeting is here.)

5 Replies to "Happening today/tonight: Election, RapidRide, crimefighting"

  • Bernicki February 19, 2008 (1:30 pm)

    I went to West Seattle High to vote at about noon. The usual army of volunteers was there with their candy dishes. Everyone cheerfully informed me that I was the fifth person to vote today, and the first to use the electronic ballot. My daughter and I hung out for a while and ate gummy worms and chatted with the poll workers.

  • WSB February 19, 2008 (1:38 pm)

    We’ll be walking up the hill soon to our polling place. Doubt we’ll find an extra touch like the gummy worms, though!

  • add February 19, 2008 (4:19 pm)

    I admit i’m still confused about this primary for the democrats. If we participated/voted in the caucus, do we still vote today??!! And if so, what happens to the results? Very confusing!!

  • credmond February 19, 2008 (5:02 pm)

    The Dems results today don’t count. The GOP results today will result in 1/2 the final result. The Washington State Primary sucks. It’s kinda like this democracy is on bailing wire and chewing gum these days. And that’s even before we consider the fact that most of our leaders are “leading” us on – tall tales with little data and less accountability. Eyman is the natural reaction to this – sadly. We need real reform in the voting system, including the Electoral College – what a joke that has turned into. Oh, and the Iowa caucus – also a joke. Who said 3 million were representative of anything but themselves? A national, every entity in the US, caucus and/or primary would be much better – and cheaper, and therefore the barrier to entry would be lower and we’d probably get more and better candidates. Oh, well, I’m just ranting because today’s vote is nearly meaningless.

  • WSB February 19, 2008 (5:26 pm)

    Yes, you can still vote today. The results for the Democrats are technically meaningless, as in, no delegates will result, BUT nonetheless you can bet whoever “wins” will make a deal out of it anyway, especially if Sen. Clinton has a stronger showing.

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