Crime Watch reader report: Junction businesses on alert

This is circulating among Junction businesses — We received it from the folks at Jan’s Beauty Supply (WSB sponsor):

On Thursday February 21, 2008 at about 4:45 PM, two girls entered the back door to our business. Girl 1 proceeded to the front of the store; girl 2 entered our employee room. We caught girl 2 in the room and she then ran out the back door. She had taken a wallet, check book and digital camera from an employee’s purse. She was chased through Capers, down California Ave. and into Zamboanga where she was cornered. The wallet and check book were retrieved, the camera is still missing. Girl 1 and girl 2 continued north on California Ave.

Many merchants said they had seen these girls through the day and a few had the same experience. If you have found anything missing and remember seeing these girls please call the SPD. Please refer to our case number 2008-068225.

Girl 1: Caucasian, early 20’s, 5’8”, thin build (145lbs.), gap in front teeth, dark brown hair pulled tightly in a pony tail, Black and gold “Baby Phat” hoody and dark “Baby Phat” jeans.
Girl 2: Hispanic-American, early 20’s, 5’6”, heavy set (165lbs.), thick dark brown or black curly hair pulled into a pony tail, tattoo on the right side of neck, black Northface jacket, distressed light blue jeans, black coach bag.

Be on the look out for these girls!!! We can’t let our community go this route!
JAN’S BEAUTY SUPPLY: 206-937-9224

5 Replies to "Crime Watch reader report: Junction businesses on alert"

  • JenV February 26, 2008 (6:15 pm)

    well, now we know how they afford Baby Phat and Coach! I hope they catch these girls- I work near the junction and will be on the lookout!

  • saney February 27, 2008 (10:56 am)

    “Zamboanga where she was cornered”

    so…why did they not keep her there until police could arrive?

  • Bernicki February 27, 2008 (2:36 pm)

    Saney, I was wondering the same thing…sounds like it was the perfect opportunity for a thief-girl smackdown…

  • Mary February 28, 2008 (9:50 am)

    Would you have had the guts to chase her down though? Can you imagine what would have been going through her head? If anybody else was around they should have helped keep her in custody.

  • Gina March 4, 2008 (6:37 pm)

    Who are “they”, and why are you worried about what kind of clothing and handbags “they” have? I have Coach bags as well as other designer items. If you see me please don’t assume I stole anything to get them. Stop Hating.

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