Caucus countdown: Clinton CLOSE to WS, Obama @ the Key

clintoncolormug.jpgobamabarack.jpgWith the Saturday caucuses suddenly in the national spotlight, Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama are both coming to Seattle in the next few days. Her appearance is scheduled for tomorrow night at Terminal 30, the cruise-ship facility on the south edge of the downtown waterfront, not that far from the WS bridge. His appearance is set for Friday, location TBA 11 am @ KeyArena. No word of last-minute GOP candidate visits, so far. More caucus info in previous WSB coverage here.

29 Replies to "Caucus countdown: Clinton CLOSE to WS, Obama @ the Key"

  • Cami February 6, 2008 (6:22 pm)

    here’s a map to terminal 30:
    Terminal 30

    Has anyone received campaign info about this? Is it a public event or do you need a ticket?

  • JanS February 6, 2008 (7:17 pm)

    Barack Obama…Key Arena…Friday…doors open at 11am

  • WSB February 6, 2008 (7:18 pm)

    Just added that the same moment you were leaving that comment, saw it on Slog. Still looking for confirmation that Hillary is public. These things get organized so hastily, they seldom wind up on official websites.

  • Admiral Janeway February 6, 2008 (7:57 pm)

    Clinton is scheduled to appear at 8 pm according to the Times website. The rally is from 7 to 9 pm.

  • terrence February 6, 2008 (8:00 pm)

    My friends and I are putting on an impromptu Barack Obama supporter event. It will be tomorrow night February 7th around 7 or 8ish. We are calling it “Beer Drinkers for Obama” It is in response to the pundits assertion that Obama supporters are only Starbucks Drinking Yuppies and Clinton Supporters are the “Beer Drinkers” So if you love good beer and Barack Obama join us for some good times and help spread the word that it is important to caucus on Saturday.

  • Cruiser February 6, 2008 (8:45 pm)

    Is Hillary bringing her puppy,oh sorry, her hubby with her?

  • Michael February 6, 2008 (8:54 pm)

    God help us!

  • cami February 6, 2008 (8:56 pm)

    From the Obama site:
    Join Barack Obama for a special Stand for Change Rally in Seattle, Washington on Friday, February 8th. The event will be free and open to the public.

    Stand for Change Rally with Barack Obama
    Key Arena
    305 Harrison Street
    Seattle, WA 98109

    February 8, 2008
    Doors Open: 11:00 a.m.

    The event is free and open to the public, but an RSVP is encouraged.

    For security reasons, do not bring bags. No signs or banners permitted.
    Obama LINK
    Hillary has an RSVP page to…doesn’t say open to public, but it must be:
    Hillary LINK

  • BGH February 6, 2008 (9:21 pm)

    All you Obama supporters need to wake up. He is another Howard Dean. All he talks about is change and has not come up with ANY long term solutions for the mess this country is is. No thank you. I will stick with Hillary. She has been in the public spotlight for the better part of 28 years. We know all of Hillary’s thrash. Her skeletons are all out of the closet. What you see is what you see. Now for Obama. Just wait till the Republicans get a hold of him. They are just waiting for the right moment. They will find everything. You can’t be serious. TWO years in the Senate is experience?????

  • que February 6, 2008 (9:42 pm)

    Hey Terrence… WHERE is your event? We are definitely beer drinkers in my house and just as surely we are Obama supporters as well. We would love to raise a few pints for Obama.

    Really, not that we are against a good latte either, really, I guess we are just pro-beverage in our household…

  • JanS February 6, 2008 (10:19 pm)

    BGH…Perhaps you should join the discussion in the Forum. Barack Obama meets the criteria for running for president of these United States. If we wanted only old codgers for prez the rules would have been changed…what experience did “W” have for God’s sake…? clarify…Hillary is not an “old codger”, by any means, and I mostly support her…but, geez, I’m getting so tired of people saying that Obama is too young, too inexperienced. He’s way more qualified than our current Prez ever was…

  • Terrence February 6, 2008 (11:21 pm)

    sorry I thought that was in the first post.
    My friends and I are putting on an impromptu Barack Obama supporter event. It will be tomorrow night February 7th around 7 or 8ish. We are calling it “Beer Drinkers for Obama” It is in response to the pundits assertion that Obama supporters are only Starbucks Drinking Yuppies and Clinton Supporters are the “Beer Drinkers” So if you love good beer and Barack Obama join us for some good times and help spread the word that it is important to caucus on Saturday.

  • Jeffro February 6, 2008 (11:23 pm)

    I think Hillary has the experience to lead the country from day one. In fact, it will be so smooth a transition from the current guy that you won’t even notice that anything has changed. Besides, what better way to enshrine the accomplishments of our current president than by electing one of his biggest enablers in the Senate? Finally the democrats can have their very own neocon president. Four more years in Iraq? You got it! More cowboy sabre-rattling towards Iran? It’s the only way! Plus, throw in a flag-burning amendment or two and we can be on our way to getting rid of that pesky first amendment once and for all! She’s secured the endorsements of Ann Coulter and Bush himself, who witnessed first-hand her ability to reach across the aisle when Republicans needed it most. She’s been in the Senate for way longer than Obama, so she deserves more of the credit for how greatly things have been running there. To top it all off, if she loses the general election, it won’t hurt too bad because her good friend and ideological partner John McCain will have won.

  • Mary T February 6, 2008 (11:34 pm)

    Plus Obama can actually speak more than two words in a row without having to get a cue from that transmitter on his back! : D

  • Terrence February 6, 2008 (11:43 pm)

    Yes you are right Mary
    and is it just me or was Barack Obama’s Speech the night of the New Hampshire Primary the greatest speech by a leader since JFK and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr?

  • Terrence February 7, 2008 (12:41 am)

    Hey BGH you are right as you said yourself with Hillary “what you see is what you see” and I see someone who is one of the most polarizing figures in politics. An oportunist candidate not someone answering the desperate call for leadership and inspiration from the people.
    However with Barack Obama what you see is indeed what you get and so much more. With President Barack Obama we will get a leader with the ability to inspire a nation to once again reach for greatness. With President Barack Obama we will get a leader with the foresight to not catapult this country into unreasoned conflict. With President Barack Obama we will get a leader who is not beholden to the insurance companies. With President Barack Obama we will have President Barack Obama.
    To my fellow supporters reading this I have a question for you. Does it not send a great feeling through your heart to read those words President Barack Obama. That reality is within our grasp, can we make it happen…YES, WE CAN

  • Mikal February 7, 2008 (7:45 am)

    Hillary is as polarizing as Bush is now. The average republicans HATE her. She would get nothing done. Obama at least is bring moderates from both sides to the table. I’m a republican and he has my vote.

  • Todd February 7, 2008 (7:49 am)

    I just wanted to say that if you are planning on going, make sure you don’t need a ticket etc .. I went to try and hear VP Gore speak at The Key years ago and there were big union guys standing around who would not let you in unless you had a ticket. Tickets were free but you just had to have one but it wasn’t clear prior to the event where to get one. I saw President Clinton speak at Pike Place in 1996 and again, it was free but you had to have a ticket given away the day before, which I had this time. Good luck everyone. I wish I had the opportunity this time around to go see these candidates. I just wanted to give a heads up because I don’t want anyone left out in the elements like I was.

  • JoB February 7, 2008 (8:06 am)

    I just registered at both events…

    Our national press has been creating our impression of these candidates one soundbite at a time. Obama is still a relative unknown… he simply hasn’t been around that long. Hillary has been regularly attacked now for 12 years. They (our televised press) spend more time telling us what to think about the the positions these days than they do reporting them.

    We have an incredible opportunity to hear both candidates, back to back. They will each have two hours to tell us why they are the best candidate. and we will have time to think about their similarities and differences before we caucus.

    We democrats will be supporting one of these two people in an incredibly critical election. It might be good to get to know them both.

  • Kayleigh February 7, 2008 (8:15 am)

    Wish I could see Obama live–I’d like to see what all the fuss is about now that I have to caucus for him in hopes of defeating Hillary.

    If Hillary wins the nomination and then loses the general election (as some of us believe will likely happen), how are you Hillary supporters going to feel? How much more harm can 4-8 more years of “conservatism” cause this country? (I shudder to think.)

    Finally, do you Hillary supporters remember how much certain people viciously hated Bill Clinton? How they worked against him, set him up, lied about him, paid others to lie about him, obsessed over the Clenis(tm), etc? Why do you think it will be any different with Hillary, who is not only a Clinton but (gasp) a woman?

  • Cami February 7, 2008 (9:22 am)

    Tracy, I don’t know what WS did before WSB! This is a great discussion and I love the instant pics of the new market. I’m heading down soon to shop!!!!

  • terrence February 7, 2008 (10:13 am)

    There have been more than a dozen debates so far so if you have to wait for Clinton and Obama to come to Seattle to find out what they are about and what position they take on the issues then you should crawl out from the rock you are living under more often. I dont understand people that are undecided, if you are still undecided today then you have not been paying attention for the last year. Lets stop blaming the televised media. If one is so inclined there are plenty of other information resources out there.

  • Keith February 7, 2008 (10:44 am)

    I called the local Obama campaign office to get more info on the Key Arena event. I was told that while doors open at 11, the event wouldn’t start “until everyone gets in,” which might take some time with security screenings. The person I spoke to speculated that the event might not actually start until noon or 12:30. I’ve never been to a political rally of any kind, looking forward to experiencing this one.

  • JoB February 7, 2008 (11:22 am)


    in a debate, the conversation is controlled by the moderator and time is limited to answer questions.

    and yes, there are a lot of venues where one can “see” the candidates and read their positions.. not the least of which are their websites.

    Still, this is a unique opportunity. we will be supporting one of these candidates this fall. We might as well get a personal read on both of them.

    And yes Kayleigh, the Clinton hate machine is not going to stop. It functioned during the presidency… and it has never stopped. But it could well backfire. America has a soft spot for underdogs and if it goes too far… as it has lately … without any real evidence… it could well work against them.

    And i think the scrutiny she would get in the white house is a point in her favor. We have had enough of rose colored glasses.

    If either democratic candidate fails, it will be because democrats couldn’t stop bickering and unite behind their candidate.. regardless of who that candidate is.

    let’s get to know them both.

  • WSB February 7, 2008 (11:34 am)

    FYI all … I am watching for whatever “where you need to be and when” type details on the candidate appearances that I can find. Have even e-mailed my favorite political blogger, David Postman at the Times, to ask if he’d consider posting the advisories they receive (that’s one where your hyperlocal media doesn’t quite have the contacts, sorry) … he said he’d do his best. Just saw on his page BTW that McCain supposedly will be in Seattle tomorrow. As for our coverage, while we will not be able to make it to the Obama event at midday tomorrow, we are hopeful of attending the Clinton event tonight. Don’t know what their policy on cameras will be, though!

  • Cath February 7, 2008 (11:58 am)

    “Besides, what better way to enshrine the accomplishments of our current president than by electing one of his biggest enablers in the Senate?”

    oooo – well said, Jeffro!

  • Cami February 7, 2008 (3:46 pm)

    WSB…I will be attending the Obama event and email you photos when I return! Have fun tonight!

  • JoB February 7, 2008 (5:51 pm)

    KING 5 says they will have all the candidates speaches on .com live…

  • WSB February 7, 2008 (6:23 pm)

    Cami, thanks. Anyone else going to the Hillary event – Slog has a warning that she likely will be late, after running late on the other side of the country tonight.

Sorry, comment time is over.