Flakes in the forecast, again

Didn’t happen the other day. Maybe it won’t happen this time. But you never know, so we are duty-bound to pass along the city’s “we’re getting ready just in case” press release, as well as the latest forecast, which says there might be a little snow tomorrow afternoon/evening; a few flakes might be extra-festive for tomorrow night’s West Seattle Christmas Tree Lighting (Farmers’ Market parking lot, with Dickens Carolers @ 5:30 pm and tree-lighting ceremony beginning @ 6, more details to come in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup, posting here by 2 pm) during Hometown Holidays in The Junction. Bundle up (and bring Warm Clothes Drive donations to help others do the same).

2 Replies to "Flakes in the forecast, again"

  • John M November 30, 2007 (2:36 pm)

    Hmmmm. The newscasts should be in a frenzy tonight.

  • Jan November 30, 2007 (8:24 pm)

    :) can I go panic shop now? hehe

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