Alki Ave updates: Ex-Coyotes, and more


Exterior work is under way right now at the ex-Coyotes, finally confirmed firsthand to be the future home of Pegasus Pizza (whose original location next door will be torn down for a new building). The beige-ish panel actually features marbling much like the current Pegasus decor. Meantime, we talked to a worker outside the future Alki Urban Market – he said he had no clue when they’ll be opening; and down the street at the ex-Alki Mail/Dispatch, future Pioneer Coffee Roasting Co., someone’s inside working on a huge PIONEER sign. As for the water side of the street, a couple scenes from our breezy, chilly walk:



5 Replies to "Alki Ave updates: Ex-Coyotes, and more"

  • cami November 29, 2007 (12:31 pm)

    Do we know what the “Alki Urban Market” is? Retail? A market? Other?

  • Jo November 29, 2007 (1:27 pm)

    On the bus coming home from work the other day, I overheard a lady explaining that the “urban market is going to be a small grocery store – bread and milk, etc.”
    Don’t know if that’s really true, though.
    when I find out I’ll be sure to post it.

  • Teresa P November 29, 2007 (3:44 pm)

    I really miss the old Alki Grocery,I had many friends who lived on Alki in the day and that store had the coldest beer in Seattle!

  • The Velvet Bulldog November 29, 2007 (3:50 pm)

    Woohoo!! A market back on Alki! Thank you, thank you to whoever the owners are/will be!

  • Jo November 29, 2007 (5:27 pm)

    Velvet- it’s all just speculation now that it’s a market. I’ve also heard deli/restaurant.

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