Thursday evening tidbits

-Almost fainted (but that would have caused a crash) while driving toward Fauntleroy on The Bridge this evening — the sign was still up.

-This (and many more events) will be in tomorrow morning’s WS Weekend Lineup, of course, but did want to call special attention to the fact that the fabulous folks of the North Delridge Neighborhood Council are inviting you to an Adopt-A-Street Cleanup this Saturday. Meet in the Delridge Community Center parking lot at 10 am to pick up city-provided supplies and get going. Every little bit helps.

-If you glossed past our item earlier this week about the West Seattle HS schedule-change controversy, the comments (scroll down) are worth another look — a lively debate has developed, especially once “5766324” joined the fray.

2 Replies to "Thursday evening tidbits"

  • David Brown September 20, 2007 (10:23 pm)

    I was amazed to see the sign as well.

    I love the signs. They make me feel like this is a real neighborhood, not a destination. And I really doubt that the presence or absence of signs on the overpass really has any effect on the value of anyone’s property, contrary to any claims made in the comments on previous mentions of the banners.

    What do the banners mean? They mean that families, nuclear and extended, live in West Seattle. They mean that we care about special events in each other’s lives.

    No, I’ve never hung a banner there myself. But it makes me feel good when I see them.

  • NATINSTL September 21, 2007 (10:57 am)

    David, you couldn’t have said it better. I completely agree.

Sorry, comment time is over.