Election countdown

The November 6th election is exactly six weeks away. 2007 is not as glamorous an election year as next one will be, with marquee offices like President and Governor on the ballot in ’08, but this one’s a bit of a sleeper, featuring ballot issues that could affect our community for years to come.

Top of the list, the Sound Transit-RTID “Roads & Transit” proposition, which would raise the sales tax and the motor-vehicle excise tax to bring in $ for a long list of transportation projects in King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties. Here’s the “yes” site; here’s a “no” site.

Also high importance, particularly for hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren around the state, is the proposed state constitutional amendment HJR 4204, to change approval requirements for school levies to simple majorities instead of 2/3 — while school-levy approval hasn’t been much of a problem in Seattle, many other districts have had to cope with measures falling just short of 60% and having to spend money on repeated special elections.

These are just two of more than half a dozen ballot measures you will have to consider (also among them, the non-controversial but life-and-death Medic One renewal). Of course, your ballot includes people, too — City Council, School Board, and various county offices. More on them next time; meantime, our area’s largest political group, the 34th District Democrats, have posted their endorsement list — and tonight they are working on a different issue, according to their website; a committee meeting to plan a possible candidates’ forum for State Representative, if current State Rep. Joe McDermott is appointed to replace departing State Sen. Erik Poulsen.

6 Replies to "Election countdown"

  • Sierra Club September 26, 2007 (10:17 am)

    The NoRTID link above is broken. See http://www.nortid.org for information about the global warming impacts of building more highways.

  • WSB September 26, 2007 (10:25 am)

    Thank you for catching that. We were working with a different browser that managed to break all the links in this post with invalid redirects – they are all fixed now.

  • Jenny September 26, 2007 (10:56 am)

    I must be behind the times: Is 2/3 really the new 60%?


  • westwood September 26, 2007 (11:49 am)

    Make sure you take a look at the improvements to the Spokane Street Viaduct and Lander street in the Roads and Transit plan. These two projects are essential to the West Seattle Bus Rapid Transit line and will be very important for our cars as well in getting in and out of West Seattle when the viaduct comes down.

  • ivan September 26, 2007 (1:52 pm)

    At the September meeting of the 34th District Democrats, we endorsed RTID by a vote of 88 to 2.

    The Sierra Club had contacted us about sending a speaker. We told them that would be fine if they could find one of our members to speak, because per our bylaws, only members can speak for or against ballot measures.

    We told them that they were welcome to set up a table and hand out material that supported their position.

    They never showed, and never recruited any speakers. The Sierra Club position offers nothing at all to working people in West Seattle, White Center, Burien, or Vashon Island.

    Dow Constantine spoke, with his usual eloquence, in favor of RTID. High voter turnout, and the highest possible majority for this measure, is essential for our communities.

  • Mickymse September 27, 2007 (4:56 pm)

    Well, I would have spoken against RTID as a member of the 34th… but this is the second year in a row that a monthly meeting has occurred on a Jewish holiday. *SIGH*

    Speaking of the 34th, however, please remind folks that many of the PCOs will be canvassing your WS neighborhoods soon passing out literature for the endorsed campaigns/candidates and answering your questions about the election!

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