Off to the races

As the Times points out this morning, election season is about to begin. You’ve probably already noticed sundquistsign.jpgthat one candidate has gotten a jump on things by blanketing West Seattle with yard signs (photo at right) even before officially filing to run. Steve Sundquist is the first declared candidate for the WS (District 6) school board seat that Irene Stewart is giving up. We don’t know much about him yet (here’s his site if you want to peruse for yourself), but we’ll miss Stewart, who we thought was doing a decent job in a difficult (to say the least) situation. As for when we’ll start voting – the primary is now earlier than ever – August 21.

3 Replies to "Off to the races"

  • ivan June 2, 2007 (9:34 am)

    The 34th District Democrats’ annual candidate forum will be Wednesday, June 13, at 7 PM at the Hall at Fauntleroy. Meet and greet the candidates starting at 6:30. There is plenty of free parking behind the Hall.

    The agenda, online here, will change between now and the close of filing, June 8, so stay tuned. See you there.

  • Melissa June 2, 2007 (10:22 am)

    I checked out his website. He looks right up my alley politically, but there’s precious little there about his views on education and educational policy. I e-mailed him asking for more….

    Does anyone out there in WSB-land know more about him? Thanks.

  • Forest June 2, 2007 (3:45 pm)

    I agree with Melissa that his website so far gives no inkling of what his philosophy and priorities are as a school board candidate.

    Very minor suggestion for his campaign: It might be a good idea to change the official campaign address from a post office box downtown to a post office box in West Seattle.

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