day : 16/06/2007 7 results

What to look for at the Farmers’ Market tomorrow

By the time we got home from the Farmers’ Market last Sunday, it was too late to mention this in time for anyone to act on it. But now with 12 hours to go till the market opens, it’s worth mentioning — SPECTACULAR STRAWBERRIES. At least three booths offered them last Sunday, some as low as $3/pint, ripe Skagit County strawberries, nothing like the plasticky supermarket ones from California. Yum! (Also for strawberry fans, as linked in our weekend roundup, Metro Market sells strawberry shortcake for $3, noon-5 pm tomorrow.)

Chief Sealth HS, past/present/future

Its immediate past — the 100-plus Class of ’07 grads who gathered at SW Athletic Complex across the street this afternoon to celebrate the successful end of their pre-college educational careers:


Present/future, change is ahead for Sealth and its neighborhood. As we have mentioned previously, it is working to boost its academic image (which may factor into its underenrollment) by offering the International Baccalaureate program, one of only two high schools in Seattle Public Schools — only 14 in the entire state — with IB. And its future holds a big construction project (page 4 in this doc; approved by voters last February), in tandem with nearby Denny Middle School, set to start immediately after next school year. The Westwood Neighborhood Council has questions and concerns (as do people at both schools; see page 3 of this) and is hosting a community meeting one week from Wednesday (June 27) to talk about the project.

A tail of lost love

Is it really the dog they’re looking for, or perhaps its owner? Check it out at BDB.

Viaduct on foot

Back from RFTC. Intermittent sun, good crowd. But walking on The Viaduct now feels the way it felt to attend baseball games in The Kingdome in 1999 … end-of-an-era’ish. Here for posterity is the cobblestone/aggregate viaduct surface underfoot:


A few more pix (with people in them!) after the click:Read More

Viaduct alert

June 16, 2007 7:18 am
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 |   Transportation

Remember, it’s closed till about 11 this morning for RFTC. We’re off to be part of it.

Guess SeventyOne is sold out indeed

June 16, 2007 7:11 am
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 |   West Seattle housing

Something called the “Parade of Affordable Homes” is happening this weekend and next, and this article mentions a $349K unit at Verge wiil be part of it. The article parrots the “near Alki” (not so much) claim.

To catch a thief?

Last week’s thread about local burglaries has fallen off this page, but it just drew a comment that we thought deserved wider consideration. We won’t be able to try to get a police-department response to this till Monday, but we promise to try. Click to read the commenter’s story:Read More