Be the first to make an offer

Looks like we have to drop Mischiefblog off our Other Blogs In WS page — he’s moved to Mill Creek, and just posted about getting ready to FSBO his WS house “cheap-cheap-cheap.”

9 Replies to "Be the first to make an offer"

  • Sue May 29, 2007 (12:36 pm)

    I guess everything is relative. When I first moved out here from NYC, we rented a place in Lynnwood right off the Mill Creek border. It was nice enough, but something was lacking. When I found West Seattle, I realized that this was what I wanted in a place to live, not Mill Creek with its traffic and shopping malls. I’ll admit that I do miss the frog sounds, but sitting here listening to the cars go by on Fauntleroy makes me feel more at home.

  • Amy May 29, 2007 (12:54 pm)

    Good riddance!

  • Keith May 29, 2007 (1:08 pm)

    Interesting that he’s found happiness through big box stores, chain restaurants and six-lane roads. Whatever floats your boat!

  • WS Guy May 29, 2007 (2:48 pm)

    I wish he’d move back to Ohio, and take his demand for cars and big box stores with him.

  • WS Newbie May 29, 2007 (3:12 pm)

    Here’s his name & address if you want to look at the “house” (aka townhome with no yard):
    Chris Jones
    7114 California Ave SW
    Seattle, WA 98136

    (thank you, not-hidden domain name registration info…)

    I am PSYCHED about my move to WS in two weeks. I hate living on the Eastside. It’s so bland. This native Chicagoan wants to live in the city again, and WS has so much to offer. You couldn’t pay me to live as far north as Mill Creek!

  • JT May 29, 2007 (3:14 pm)

    He must not have realized that Federal Way was the true Mecca of box stores and crickets…

  • WendyHJ May 29, 2007 (4:09 pm)

    Well, I’ve offered to market it for him. I lived in Mill Creek almost 20 years ago – pretty boring really. But it takes all kinds to make the world go ’round!

  • Ms_F May 29, 2007 (11:36 pm)

    Wow, I’d take the sounds of sea lions barking and fog horns over crickets and frogs any day… but I’m a west coast gal.

    (By the way, I’d be kind of miffed if someone posted my name and address, public information or not.)

  • dinolicious May 31, 2007 (1:10 pm)

    Hmmm…My recollection of Mill Creek is that great big WalMart! No thanks, I’ll take my diverse West Seattle any day!!

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