WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Land Cruiser; found, dumped holiday star; seasonal crime-prevention advice

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch, plus crime-prevention advice:

STOLEN LAND CRUISER: That’s Ketsy‘s Toyota LandCruiser, “stolen from in front of our house near 47th and Erskine sometime between 10 pm and 6 am last night/this morning. Keep an eye out. She’s easy to spot and identify with a black hood and roof.” Call 911 if you see it. (added) Plate # ASL1277 – police report # 17-438713.

Meantime, from the found-and-apparently-stolen file:


This beautiful star was found in opened packaging, with no shipping information, discarded along a street in WS. We want the owner to have their star.

If it might be yours – let us know.

PREVENTING HOLIDAY-SEASON CRIME: Just as we were getting ready to publish the two reports above – Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Burbridge sent her latest newsletter, with seasonal advice – read it here (PDF) or as embedded below:

9 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Land Cruiser; found, dumped holiday star; seasonal crime-prevention advice"

  • anon November 28, 2017 (12:01 pm)

    Between the car thefts, tire slashings, robberies of various items and the assault on the woman at the bus stop I’m getting anxious to come home from vacation. I hate having my home empty. So much seems to be centered on Seaview. It’s unfortunate because it seems like a lot of young people doing these things, I hope they have appreciation when they’re older for what things cost to maintain and purchase. 

    • NSAlki November 28, 2017 (2:02 pm)

      Yep, getting pretty fed up with this. Please vote and support policy makers who don’t just view law enforcement as people beating up on poor victims.

      If you would believe some of the people on our city council, it is your fault for having any property at all. The signs that say “Property is Theft” when folks with nothing better to do in the morning on a work day come out in their support say it all. Vote and let’s try to restore some balance to this city. Better yet, if you are able, run for office. We need normal people with normal jobs helping us, not career activists. Sorry about the rant.

  • Jeff November 28, 2017 (12:17 pm)

    I admire that cruiser every time I walk by.  Hope it turns up quickly and undamaged.

  • Ketsy November 29, 2017 (7:15 am)

    They found our LC! It’s the only kind of 2 am call from the police you want. She was parked on 46th near Thistle (Lincoln Park area). She is mostly in decent shape. SO HAPPY!! If you see a couple booster seats dumped, they might be ours. 

    • WSB November 29, 2017 (8:11 am)

      Glad to hear that. Just a few blocks downhill from us … we will be on the lookout for booster seats.

    • Holly November 29, 2017 (5:42 pm)

      So glad they found your car Ketsy! Yay!!

  • me November 29, 2017 (4:34 pm)

    Was there damage to the roof?  and what’s the charger look like

    • Ketsy November 30, 2017 (8:49 am)

      No damage to the roof that we could tell in the dark. And one booster seat has pink butterflies (no back), one is dark gray with a back and the other is tan with arm rests that raise (no back).

  • me November 29, 2017 (5:11 pm)

    Sorry the booster seats

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