West Seattle bees: Another swarm; this one found its own new home

Another honey-bee swarm in West Seattle today, this time in North Admiral, this time on private property, where Meredith made that sign to let passersby know about the bees. A beekeeper from the Puget Sound Beekeepers Association “swarm list” was expected within a few hours, but this time, the bees found their own new home, Meredith reports. While handling the Westwood Village swarm we covered yesterday, beekeeper Clay Cook had explained that they might hang out in a temporary spot like this for 15 minutes up to 2 days, until one or more “scouts” return with word of a perfect new home – so apparently in this case, they found one.

P.S. If you spot a swarm, don’t call an exterminator – let them be or call a beekeeper (here’s this year’s list)!

11 Replies to "West Seattle bees: Another swarm; this one found its own new home"

  • Brenda Burnett May 13, 2014 (6:16 pm)

    We had a swarm in late April that a beekeeper happily scooped up. I’m so glad the bees are finding West Seattle to be a hospitable place! Thank you for posting about them.

  • JayDee May 13, 2014 (7:46 pm)

    Edit: “let them bee”

  • Militant Moderate May 13, 2014 (10:15 pm)

    A few years back, bees had built a hive inside of the wall of the apartment building. There was no way to avoid the area and, one morning on my way to work, I got stung a couple of times.

    When I arrived at work, I called my landlord. When I got home, there were lots of dead bees and the unmistakable scent of Raid throughout the building.

    At the time, I did not know about the decline of bee populations and the threats that bees, worldwide, face. We really kinda need these noble but cantankerous guys around.

    And I wish that I had known to call a beekeeper instead of my landlord. Or that they had known to call a beekeeper instead of annihilating an entire colony.

    Thanks for getting the word out!

    • WSB May 13, 2014 (10:18 pm)

      We do need them. Also, though obviously you can’t say they won’t sting at all – and you experienced that – beekeepers reiterate that when they are in this swarming mode, between homes, so to speak, they are just about as non-aggressive as they can get, so there’s little chance of people being stung. They are focused on getting from point A to point B(ee).

  • sophistatiki May 14, 2014 (12:18 am)

    I saw a scout bee in my front yard 2 days ago. One block fron Westwood Village. YEA BEES!

  • Meredith May 14, 2014 (7:37 am)

    Yeah, they weren’t the least bit aggressive. Though there were so many in the air and on the bee-pile, they didn’t mind me visiting to put up a sign. I love how they sound. They left before the kids got home from school. We will keep watching for them in the area.

  • payrollgirl May 14, 2014 (1:02 pm)

    We have tons of flowers in our rockery and every year honeybees arrive and just do their thing all Spring and Summer long and never bother anyone!
    Luv those bees!!!

  • sam-c May 14, 2014 (3:10 pm)

    what about wasps? do we need to protect them too?
    they freak me out. one summer they made homes in little areas behind our window flashings.

  • payrollgirl May 14, 2014 (6:22 pm)

    sam-c…I think everyone here is talking about honeybees not wasps, wasps are a nuisance but honeybees are beneficial for the pollination of fruits, vegetables and….

  • krista c May 14, 2014 (7:23 pm)

    @sam c: All pollinators are important and actions like spraying raid or other chemicals, which kill one pollinator can impact others, like honey bees = bad. The good news: The PSBA swarm list also lists beekeepers who will remove “other stinging insects” like wasps, yellow jackets, or bumblebees – without pesticides. Print a copy and keep it handy. It gets updated every spring.

  • sam-c May 15, 2014 (1:46 pm)

    cool- thanks for the follow up!

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