West Seattle volunteer power: Landscaping facelift for Lady Liberty

Alki Community Council‘s volunteer work party at Statue of Liberty Plaza, featured in this morning’s preview, is now a case of “mission accomplished,” reports David Hutchinson (who also shared the photo):

The Alki Community Council wants to thank the dedicated volunteers who came this morning to the Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza. The Council sponsored this event to assist Seattle Parks & Recreation in replanting the landscaped areas surrounding the Plaza. Fortunately, the rain held off and, working under the direction of Parks Senior Gardener Phil Renfrow, the planting was completed by 10 am. Parks will be adding mulch in the next few weeks. The new plants were purchased with money from the Parks-administered maintenance fund, created with the proceeds from the ongoing ACC sale of engraved bricks and bronze plaques.

The plaza itself came to life thanks to a lot of volunteer power 2 1/2 years ago!

1 Reply to "West Seattle volunteer power: Landscaping facelift for Lady Liberty"

  • Wendy Hughes-Jelen March 27, 2011 (1:44 am)

    Looks great! We have a brick down there, was an Xmas gift from my parents. We’re looking forward to coming down and seeing the new planting area and our brick! (My church also is buying a big square down there.)

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