Just looked at my last bill (Aug-Oct) and for me and my husband we used 8ccf. 18ccf seems in line for a family of four for showers,toilets, dishes, laundry etc. Probably wouldn’t hurt to make sure the kids aren’t running water while brushing :)
Its tied to your water usage, reduce your water usage and sewer usage will go down too. The only time they aren’t identicall is during the summer months, when there is a differential for watering the yard.
Franci is correct. There isn’t a meter on your sewer line (cause who would want to repair/replace that) – only a meter on your water line with a percentage of water use being calculated as an estimate for your sewer use. If you had a kindly neighbor who provided you with access to all the water you wanted from their line, but you still flushed the toilet and ran that water down your sinks and drains, your neighbor’s sewer usage would be higher, not yours. Reducing your water use will reduce your sewer ccf.
a hot bath at least once every day and continually washing spills and dog hair our of our clothing pushes this otherwise eco-wise household into high ccfs for a family of two :(
it’s the price we pay for the water we use…
no matter how little of it gets flushed down the sewer