Ice Cream, Full Tilt or Husky Deli?

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    When I was in high school (lo, these many years ago) it was Husky because we could walk there. Now that Full Tilt has come along, I only go there for my ice cream needs. Their salted caramel is full of flavor and is one of my favorites!

    I’ve never been in Full Tilt when it was “dirty”. Also, I think it’s plenty awesome that I can get ice cream, beer, and play pinball all in the same location!


    I Wonder

    You haven’t used the restroom there.



    If you haven’t been to Full Tilt since they replaced the flooring, you should go back. You will likely find that you perceive the place to be more “clean” with the new flooring.

    As far as the bathroom… ever been to the one in Husky Deli? I have. Full Tilt’s is nicer, believe it or not.



    Husky’s has the best Chocolate Rum Chip or something like that. They have generous scoops! And I personally love the smell of Huskies…….reminds me of when I was a kiddo. :) I’ve had Full Tilt’s Salted Carmel on a stick at Hiawatha. That was yummy! Never actually been there. I have no idea where it is……shame on me. :) I also LOVE Chocolate Peanut Butter from Baskin Robins.



    Hmmm, I think I need to have a taste-off. You know, just to make sure.

    @Austin: OH, thanks A LOT for posting that picture…I mean, I would’ve been happy with a WW fudge bar, but nooooooo.



    i see a story idea …

    are there enough choices for a West Seattle blind ice cream tasting?



    Husky!!! And you can bring a huge 1/2 gallon home with you! And they deliver!!! Love Mocha Oreo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Enough with the snarky comments. Pick your favorite and tell us why you like it. I do sales and if you have to resort to slamming the competition, it means you do not feel very confident about your product. I like both for different reasons and there is room in my life for both.



    I could never ever pick. EVER. It really depends on what neighborhood I am in. They are toe to toe for flavors, quality, cleanliness and kitchyness to me. Can I just say how awesome I think it is that they are related! That’s an awesome WS factoid, Justin.

    If someone were offering me a cone of Husky’s swiss chocolate orange and a cone of Full Tilt’s birthday cake and MADE me choose I would probably just break down in tears in hopes that they would pity me and I could have both… LOL.

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