Has Victoria, Canada’s sewage system been upgraded recently?

Home Forums Open Discussion Has Victoria, Canada’s sewage system been upgraded recently?

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    Can anyone tell me if Victoria, Canada has added a sewage treatment plant or is the cities sewage dumped pretty much untreated into the Strait of Juan de Fuca to float directly over to Washington. I’d love to visit Victoria this spring to see the gardens and have tea, but I’ve been waiting (for 20 years) for the city to clean up it’s act. Have they and I just missed it? I’d like to end my own little personal boycott :)



    Based on this website, I’m assuming no: http://www.poopvictoria.ca/



    Last year on a sailing trip up into Canada I noticed that the captain had switched over the heads to pump overboard once we hit the border. He said “It’s legal.” Perhaps not moral, but he was the captain and I didn’t want to swim.



    There are some things i wish i didn’t know.

    i so enjoy visiting both Vancouver and Victoria and it will never be the same now.

    So much for Canada’s progressive environmental stance…



    Sorry JoB, reality is sometimes a pain. Victoria’s inability to tax themselves on this issue annoys me enough that I’ve been unwilling to give them my tourist dollars. This may be a minor inconvenience, but it bums me out because I love gardens, I love tea, I love beautiful cities and I would LOVE to visit Victoria before I die.



    I’m sure there are a lot of foreigners that won’t visit here because of U.S. policies (the cavity search isn’t very enticing either), but I think we can all agree that they are missing out. You too are missing out. Go for a visit! Do something you think you might enjoy. You might learn something, and your hosts might learn something from you.



    GO visit and make a statement by taking a dump on the sidewalk, and when they ask you why you did that tell them now they know how the fish out in their harbor feel.




    i am all for political statements.. but surely you jest.

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