Georgia Blu

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    Received this information via email tonight … very sad to see GB go, but totally understand.

    It is with a mixture of sadness and relief that I send this email out to you all. Georgia Blu will be closing our doors in September. Now I know that you are all thinking that we too are just another casualty of our stressed economy. However to believe that would be a disservice to our extremely loyal customer base. It’s true that our business has slowed down, like most business right now; but thanks to many of you – we are really hanging in there. Your devotion to supporting us – even in these tough times – is something that will stay with me for a very long time.

    Instead, there are really two other reasons we’re closing. The first one is that our lease is up in September. I’ve debated back and forth for quite a while about whether or not to renew our lease but ultimately have decided this is a good time to close the store. The second reason – and probably the more pressing reason we are closing is that as a business owner and a mother of three, I find it harder and harder to do both jobs well. I’m sure many other mothers and fathers out there can relate. When I started GB I had a 4 year old, and a 1 year old. I now have a 7 year old, a 4 year old and a 9 month old. I have found it to be an increasingly huge challenge finding the time to be the kind of mother I wish to be, as well as a devoted shop owner of an always changing business.

    This was not an easy decision, nor was it free of some heartache. But I do feel that it is the right decision. Despite many ups and downs, I have loved owning a store in my neighborhood as it has introduced me to so many wonderful people – many of whom have become great friends – that I otherwise would not have known. It’s been a pleasure to have been among the other great businesses and business owners in the Junction and part of a community where most people believe strongly in supporting local businesses. I am thankful for the experience and a better person for having had it.

    Over the next two months we will slowly be liquidating our inventory. As well, some pieces of furniture, fixtures and displays will also be for sale. Stay tuned for a final email from us regarding when and how this sale will take place.

    Thank you again to all of you who have loyally supported us for the past 3 years. We’ve felt honored over the years that you have shared with us the stories of your children, which included both joys and sadness of parenthood, grandparenthood and aunt/unclehood. Just the other day a customer came into the shop that I hadn’t seen in a while. The first time I met this customer, she was pregnant with her daughter and with her this time was her almost 3 year old little girl. It really brought home to me the joy we’ve had in watching your children grow, even for a short time. It also reminded me that my children too are growing up so fast ~ and I just don’t want to miss it.

    Many thanks and warmest regards,

    Krista Means



    This was on WSB’s homepage earlier today. I understand the appeal of the forums, but I’m constantly amazed by how many people post “news” that was already discussed on the blog itself (sometimes for months, a la the pay-to-park study).

    It is sad, though – I was still working as a barista at Cupcake Royale/Verite when GB was getting ready to open. I believe the woman that always came in from there was the owner, Krista, though it’s been about three years, so I may not be remembering accurately.



    Ah, I obviously didn’t do a thorough enough search to see the other post. Sorry for the clutter!



    Also, we implemented a feature a couple months ago so that even in the forums you can keep an eye on the major stories – the BIG STORIES list toward the top of the right sidebar appears on ALL pages, including the forums, and links you directly to what are (in my view as editor, anyway) the biggest stuff we’ve posted in the past 24 hours or so (sometimes I leave headlines there longer than 24 hours if they are items of great interest. Georgia Blu is still there because it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet). So any time you want a really quick read to make sure you haven’t missed anything, scan that section – I do my best to keep it updated (have just for example updated the South Park headline to the arrest news).



    No worries yeldsy13. Let’s allow people post news – it is a BLOG after all. Yes, news is on the front page, but who has time to research every possibility to see if it’s already been mentioned. Let’s share info – land not be so concerned about who or where it was found first.

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