Re: MSNBC has spent more time on Christie “scandal”…



it’s funny how I knew from the title of the thread that Smitty started it.

And ya know sumpin, he’s right. On Weds., MSNBC and CNN each spent 142 minutes on this story compared to the 14 minutes, 30 seconds Faux Noise spent on this non-story bashing poor, defenseless Chris Christie.

And it’s funny how them thar Republicans who are pursuing this here ‘IRS Scandal’ never remember to take credit for being the source of the scandal. It was during the administration of President Dwight D. ‘Ike’ Eisenhower, who was widely rumored to be a Republican (and who started one of the most expensive federal public works projects in history, namely the Interstate Highway project) that the IRS regulatory language was changed. The statutory language establishing 504(c)4’s referred to ‘solely’ providing human services, which is what the IRS regulatory language also said. Howsoever, during Ike’s term in office, it was changed to ‘primarily’ which is what opened the floodgates. No group, whether liberal, conservative or anarchist, who engages in political activity should get 501(c)4 status. Of course, no one can prove what Ike knew and when he knew it.