Michelle and Barack Obama were interviewed on NBC/MSNBC yesterday (Keith Obermann, Today — available online). It was very interesting, both for the content and for the interaction between the two. Michelle clearly ain’t no cookie baker. I’d post a link, but since they’re broadcasting snippets of the interview on various shows, you’ll just have to find it all together somewhere. :-)
My fantasy: Both Democratic candidates, along with the Democratic leadership, will take the opportunity of the ridiculous “tax holiday” proposal to begin the dialog about the need to bolster our infrastructure, to regulate big oil; in other words, to they will lead. :-) Economics is not as interesting as sex. Never has been, never will be. But an understanding of it is vital to our survival — and pandering only gets the panderee somewhere in the short term.
Right now we’re in danger of equating
“elitist” with “informed” and that’s amazingly insulting. If we pretend that the division is between educated and uneducated, between latte drinkers and beer drinkers — then, once again, “they” win, because we’ve created false dichotomies so no one realizes who the enemy is.