People’s March in West Seattle Junction

January 18, 2025 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
California SW & SW Alaska
West Seattle

JOIN the January 18th People’s Protest at Alaska Junction in West Seattle

We are out there to protest the return of Trump and fascism. Many of us are seniors who want to stand up for our children or grandchildren (or great-grandchildren)! We’ll be carrying protest signs and crossing the intersections at Alaska Junction. We did this in 2016 too.

We all march for different reasons, but we march for the same cause: to defend our rights and our future.

If you believe that decisions about your body should remain yours, that books belong in libraries, not on bonfires, that health care is a right, not a privilege for the wealthy; if you believe in the power of free speech and protest to sustain democracy; or if you want an economy that works for the people who power it—then this march is for you.

The People’s Protest is about one thing: our power.

It’s a bold demonstration of the resilience of resistance:
We march to unite the people who’ve been the backbone of resistance for generations—and to welcome even more
We march to remind civil servants they answer to us
We march to inspire, energize, and drive change long after the day is done.
This is our moment to remind Washington elites — and Americans everywhere — where the power truly lives: with the people.
Let’s make it count.
Sign up online at

4 Replies to "People's March in West Seattle Junction"

  • GoodGodItsAGoose January 15, 2025 (8:26 am)

    Hey! The link is missing a 3rd w. When you click on it, the link brings you to an error page. (At least for me it does)

  • Stewart L. January 16, 2025 (5:47 pm)

    FYI the link to the march at the end is NOT working.

  • West Seattle Lite January 16, 2025 (6:06 pm)

    The link to sign up is correct, however the underlying hyperlink is incorrect and goes to a failure page.  There is a “w” from www. missing in the hyperlink. Please update. This is the correct link  –

  • WSB January 16, 2025 (9:55 pm)


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