TRAFFIC ALERT: West Seattle low bridge remains closed after crash (Sunday updates added)

7:14 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a “rescue extrication” response to the scene of a crash on the low bridge. Two people are reported hurt, and the bridge is blocked. Complicating matters, the bridge is currently in the “open” position, and the crash happened on the westbound side, which is the only direction from which emergency crews can access the scene.

7:18 PM: Dispatch has told responders that the driver, who’s being extricated, apparently “ran into the bridge as it was opening.” SDOT is sending a crew to check on whether that’s damaged the bridge. A passenger is already out of the car and is reported to be less seriously hurt.

7:28 PM: The low bridge “is probably going to be closed for quite some time,” police just told dispatch. Note that since the bridge is in the “open” position, it’s closed to bicyclists and pedestrians as well as to drivers.

7:35 PM: Police have also told dispatch they’ve arrested the driver for investigation of DUI; he’s reported to be in his 30s and will be taken to the hospital for treatment of injuries.

8:12 PM: With SFD’s departure, the traffic camera shows the crashed car (note its top is missing because firefighters cut it off to get the driver out):

A tow truck arrived just a moment after we took that screenshot.

9:14 PM: The crash scene is cleared but the bridge remains closed to traffic. A team that showed up a few minutes ago appears to be inspecting the arm that the driver is reported to have hit.

11:12 PM: Still closed to surface traffic, and no status update from SDOT yet.

1:53 AM: Seventh hour of the closure. (You can check on the bridge’s status here; we’ll update again i a few hours.)

6:35 AM: Still closed.

10:51 AM: Still closed, no update from SDOT, who we are trying to reach. Meantime, SFD says neither of the people taken to the hospital after the crash had life-threatening injuries – a 21-year-old woman (who we believe was the passenger) taken via AMR ambulance (which indicates less-serious injuries), a 25-year-old man (who we believe was the driver) taken via SFD medic.

12:38 PM: Still closed. We’ll publish a separate update when we get more info from SDOT, but for now, a spokesperson tells us that “our roadway structures crew and engineers are working as fast as possible to determine the extent of the damage and repair timeline.”

2:07 PM: New story here.

ADDED SUNDAY EVENING: SPD has provided additional information about the crash investigation. They say that the officer’s report summarizes:

The vehicle had been traveling westbound at a high rate of speed when it crossed into the opposite lane of travel, crashed through a gate, and finally coming to a stop when it struck another gate. The gates had been down with their lights active as the bridge had been opening [during the collision].

SPD’s response to our request for information adds, “While working, SFD located a loaded Glock 45 9mm pistol inside of the vehicle, belonging to the 25-year-old driver, and provided it to Seattle police; it was seized as evidence.” The driver is described as a Seattle resident and under investigation for DUI and “unlawful carry (of) pistol.” (The latter section of city code is explained here.)

35 Replies to "TRAFFIC ALERT: West Seattle low bridge remains closed after crash (Sunday updates added)"

  • aRF September 14, 2024 (7:37 pm)

    Just to clarify, it sounds like they ran into the section of bridge that pivots. Is that correct? 

    • WSB September 14, 2024 (8:25 pm)

      The “pivoting” was reported to be happening at the time of the crash, but I don’t know for sure – it was originally dispatched as a collision into the “barrier” – whether they hit the blocking arm or the bridge itself. The second screenshot I just added shows the car but I still can’t quite tell.

      • aRF September 14, 2024 (8:46 pm)

        Looks like the barrier did its job.

  • Good job impatient driver September 14, 2024 (8:13 pm)

    People are really so selfish and self absorbed that they don’t care what they disrupt for others. 

  • N September 14, 2024 (8:43 pm)

    I was 1st to the scene and the one who called 911. Really scary stuff. They hit the barrier at I’m guessing 60-80 mph. I’m pretty sure the bridge itself isn’t damaged. Not sure if the barrier took damage and if it would need to be replaced before reopening the bridge.

    • Alki resident September 14, 2024 (9:58 pm)

      I don’t think that speed is survivable. Especially since one got out on his own. 

      • Daniel September 15, 2024 (12:01 am)

        Speed is one factor, but so is the crumple zone of the barrier, and the car.  E.g. an electric car with no motor up front and a giant crumple zone can be survivable where another car of the same weight would not be (would have to be a smaller car for comparable weight, due to the heavy batteries increasing kenetic energy).  Same logic for the barrier.  So…. possible it was 60mph, depending on the barrier and the car, etc.  Also possible it was slower.  It can be very difficult to judge speeds by eye.

      • N September 15, 2024 (7:45 am)

        You have me reconsidering the speed of impact. Pretty sure they passed me, the 3rd car in line, at 60+. They hit the breaks just before the thin wooden gate and skid across wet pavement, maybe 30ft, into the barrier, which I’m sure absorbed some of the energy. Both airbags were deployed. They still hit hard. The driver was unresponsive for several minutes with obvious injuries.

        • Lauren September 15, 2024 (10:32 am)

          I’m sorry you had to witness this, please take care of yourself

    • Frog September 14, 2024 (10:07 pm)

      Were the driver and passenger named Thelma and Louise?  It would have been one hell of a tiktok if they had gotten through the barrier.  P.s. if the barrier still worked normally after an impact at that speed, hats off to the manufacturer.

    • Raven September 15, 2024 (1:38 pm)

      What type of car was it? Can’t tell from the photo

      • Tony September 15, 2024 (8:26 pm)

        It’s hard to tell because the photo is so blurry and the roof was removed. My first instinct was that it’s a black Prius

      • N September 17, 2024 (12:40 pm)

        It was a Saturn.

      • WSCurmudgeon September 17, 2024 (6:36 pm)

        So the car was a 2009 or earlier.   

        This incident demonstrates “why we can’t have nice things.”  As though we need more evidence of that.  

  • Asdf September 14, 2024 (9:18 pm)

    I don’t even comprehend what he wanted to achieve, it’s a drop and then water after that second barrier. (Btw the first one was crashed, too)

    • bill September 14, 2024 (10:08 pm)

      The first barrier is just a flimsy arm with lights. The sort of thing you don’t hit if you don’t want to scratch your car. The second one is substantial metal that can stop a car, as this incident demonstrates. The report says the bridge was “pivoting,” maybe the driver thought it would be cool to get onto the pivoting section. But if he was going 60-ish he would not have been able to stop before going off the end. Seems to me the heavy second barrier was added after a guy drove off the bridge a few years ago and died.

      • Asdf September 15, 2024 (7:27 am)

        Yeah, I know the first one is just a normal arm, but it had to be visible enough to give a clue to a normal person that something is going on. Otherwise, how high one has to be to think getting on the pivoting part is cool. What’s then, being on a section with two open ends?

  • T Rex September 14, 2024 (9:57 pm)

    This is horrible! In the days of Uber, why do people drive when they are drinking? As bad as this is, it could have been so much worse. And his life is going to be hell for a long time. It has a lasting effect unless you truly commit to changing. 

    • Foop September 14, 2024 (11:40 pm)

      Hopefully someday we will have a vast rail network and bus network and better zoning that allows us to get wasted near home and / or not rely on a car to get back hom.

  • Admiral-2009 September 14, 2024 (10:41 pm)

    What is the societal cost of drunk/intoxicated drivers?  Death, carnage, massive traffic disruption, hospital care to name a few.  It’s past time to lay down the hammer on this dispicapal behavior once and for all.  I would start with a mandatory requirement to maintain a $1,000,000 auto liability insurance for at least five years after a conviction of a first offence and the installation of breath lock in their vehicle, a second offence add jail time and 10 more years of high liability insurance coverage.  

    • Daniel September 15, 2024 (12:03 am)

      For just death, it’s about on par with all homicide for societal cost.

  • aa September 14, 2024 (11:17 pm)

    An extreme example of what we see all the time, people who are unwilling to sit still. Every day I see people running red lights, often after the light has completely changed because they don’t want to wait until it’s their turn again. Add alcohol to the mix and this person thought they could beat the bridge opening. I’m glad the passenger isn’t seriously hurt and no other people or cars were involved. 

  • macaroon September 15, 2024 (12:00 am)

    Know what’s happening in ABUNDANCE as of late?  Drivers waiting at red lights with their eyes glued looking down at their cell phones.  You’re supposed to be paying attention to the road at all times you idiots!  

  • CW September 15, 2024 (7:58 am)

    It seems to me that folks in general are less and less capable of taking in and processing multiple information at one time – I’m getting older so I make sure I pay attention. It feels like a lot of folks drive  inebriated with alcohol, cannabis, or meds. Just a drive to the grocery store yesterday demonstrated that to me again. We need better drivers ed (not your parents), better enforcement, and better traffic design. And most of all focus. Focus on driving! Not the phone, food, drink, or narcissistic rumination that got your brain running in circles instead of paying attention to traffic. I’m curious how the passenger of that vehicles feels about the driving of their companion?

    • Bbron September 15, 2024 (3:07 pm)

      reducing car dependency would take care of all of this, too. if not as many people needed to drive, could make CDL level of licensing standard

      • Suds September 15, 2024 (5:53 pm)

        Well done, making this about your personal vendetta against automobiles.

        • CAM September 15, 2024 (7:20 pm)

          So having “not as many” cars on the road or people dependent on personal vehicles is anticar? Any reduction in the number of cars on the road is anticar? Or is it possible, that you applied your own bias to reading that comment and skipped right over the part where the comment was referencing that people having more alternatives to driving reduces distracted and impaired driving?

  • bill September 15, 2024 (8:45 am)

    In other news, there is nothing to report in West Seattle according to the Seattle Times and King 5 and Kiro 7. In case  you want or have to ride a bike out of West Seattle your options are the Water Taxi or going south to the 1st Ave bridge. Here is a route for the latter:

  • wetone September 15, 2024 (10:53 am)

    Need to hold drivers such as this one accountable for actions. Starting with proper charges, did they have a license and insurance ? Toxicology test if possible and finally ago after them for all damages caused to roadway and bridge. Will be interesting to see how city moves forward or they just sweep under carpet as done in so many cases like this and leaving repair bill to taxpayers…….

    • Al King September 15, 2024 (2:09 pm)

      Portable sign trailer on s bound 99 stating low bridge closed which means they’re expecting it to be closed for a while.

      • WSB September 15, 2024 (2:31 pm)

        Yes, we have published a separate update in which SDOT told us it’s unlikely the bridge will reopen today.

  • Wallflower September 16, 2024 (9:55 am)

    Looks like a Saturn Ion maybe?

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