With light-rail decision nearing, two West Seattle organizations plan Transit Town Hall on July 23

Sometime in the next few months, Sound Transit is expected to release the Final Environmental Impact Report on West Seattle light rail, followed by a board vote on routing and station locations. With that looming, the 34th District Democrats and West Seattle Chamber of Commerce have just announced a “Transit Town Hall” for 7 pm Tuesday, July 23:

Presented by the 34th District Democrats and the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, this forum with Sound Transit staff intends to educate West Seattle residents about the proposed Link extension project ahead of the vote to identify the project to be built.

As it stands, the project would include three light rail stations: Delridge (at Delridge and Andover), Avalon (at 35th and Avalon), and West Seattle Junction (at Alaska and 41st). The presentation and forum will provide background about ST3, review of the project plan and timeline, detail the alternatives proposed and the possible alignments, discuss the financial cost and community impacts, provide an overview of the entitlements for displaced residents and businesses, and end on a call to action.

The event will conclude with a question-and-answer segment. If you would like to submit your questions ahead of time, you may do so on this form. Pre-submitted questions will be asked at the beginning of the segment by our moderator.

Even if you don’t have a question, follow the form link to reply to a short survey. The venue is the Center for Active Living (ex-Senior Center), 4217 SW Oregon.

2 Replies to "With light-rail decision nearing, two West Seattle organizations plan Transit Town Hall on July 23"

  • Derek July 7, 2024 (11:14 pm)

    Man there’s just too much Seattle Process going on. Let’s get the digging going! We just had a meeting I don’t get why we have to keep meeting honestly. Other cities don’t seem to do this so much, heck I’m not even sure Judkins park neighborhood had to do this many meetings when I lived over there…

    • Peter July 7, 2024 (11:54 pm)

      What’s funny is that even after literally hundreds of meetings, forums, open houses, surveys, polls, route walks, etc., plus thousands of mailers, emails, phone calls, etc., the antis will still sob their crocodile tears about how “the community” (meaning their individual opinion) wasn’t listened to and there was no outreach. Mark my words, we’re going to start seeing tons of those comments once the final plans come out. 

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