WHALES: Orcas off West Seattle

Orcas were in view off West Seattle earlier this morning, and while we missed the chance to mention them earlier, we just got word from Kersti Muul that they’re now “northbound after milling,” on the west side of the channel (so binoculars definitely needed), off Lincoln Park.

2 Replies to "WHALES: Orcas off West Seattle"

  • X June 28, 2024 (12:20 pm)

    12:20pm: moving slowly northbound. About due west of 6100 block of beach dr.

  • meanmistermustard June 29, 2024 (9:41 am)

    I love to hear it!  And maybe see it, someday…I wish I could go back in time to 2013 when I almost got a house on Vashok; I bet I’d have seen some orcas by now!I’m just glad they are free and not in captivity.

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